Today I was very angry at the Perps.
The male thinks he's attractive so does the woman perp.
The male perp thinks I want him, you should see his head.
Looking stupid with his Roden head, a typical RAT.
THEY know that jogging relaxes me, so they decided to torture me more in my head.
While I was jogging I was harressed by cars driving by.
People show up to see me running. The Woman Perp is hilarious, she thinks she's so smart. You should hear how she talks to me. Her voice tells me she stupid. She can't keep up with me so she studies the stuff I know and use them against me. She bullies with my knowledge. They bully me all day the long. Now I bathe with a bading suit on. Because of the Male Perp he comments on my body. He insults me. That's after he causes my body to bloat. it's a good thing I don't have a low self-esteem so I don't listen to him. He is nasty and pretends that we are having sex with eachother and tells people about it on an app he made. He just moaning and groaning on the app and pretends I am too. When he comes he tells his listeners that it is fake. He does it every time I meet a man I like, hoping the man will find out and you know the rest. He sabotaging my luck.
Today he told me he really having sex with the woman Perp his Girlfriend, But they learned how to copy my voice. They turn their voice into my voice, it's a real Freek Show.
Their receipe is,
Using Social Media, to tell everybody about my life and telling them that I gossip about them.
Making sure Everybody keep the Social Media thing a Secret, so that I can't sue him.
Recruiting people to bully me, spreading hate against me.
Going after the men I like, maybe is is Gay. He wants the men to like him.
Financial Bankcruptcy.
Blowing cold air in my house so that I feel cold.
Depriving sleep
Putting words in my mouth, making me talk the way they want to.
Finding my boiling point.
Sture up trouble between me and people at my job, on the streets, in my neighbourhood and in the shops. Basically every where I go.
Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas