update 2013-2014 6 weeks of life so far

Update Mid November 12, 2013 to Jan 4 2014... I have felt much better. as normal as Iv felt in years.. Iv scanned with my Rf counter and the higher 45.000Mhz has been off around my home. no Helos or unusually militarily aircraft or gang-stalking around me, nothing like most of last year... My weight has been going back up and the Rf burns and rashes on my face and body have stopped... Its been a very normal 6 weeks im not used to having time to do things I need to do for myself and family. I have not gotten dizzy or strange and no heart palps or high blood-pressure.... Its been so long iv forgotten how good life feels. when im not tortured monitored or under surveillance....always keep hope up and stay strong...

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