Posted by SheriGrutz on February 23, 2009 at 11:06pm
I've changed doctors, since my local health unit are a bunch of Nazi's, and the new clinic is out at the university hospitals. I saw a resident doctor that I hope to see awhile before he leaves, and a senior doctor in the office. When asked, "Do you think I'm just crazy?" Both of the doctors said, "No, we believe you." These visits are not for action politically, but are for therapy and analysis. I am currently taking 12mg of invega, and 50mg of zoloft. I have had schizophrenia since age 20, but I had a very rocky childhood as well, with emotional breakdowns. If I do not take medication, I will hear every thought in my head, it will become acoustic, and I will hear voices again. At first I thought I had DID, but no, its schizophrenia. I will continue seeing this clinic every month.