All throughout the USA—plus globally—informed and concerned citizens are refusing AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas, and municipal water utility services, which are provided using a Marxist-draconian-like edict and rollout by utility companies that want to cash in on the funding they can receive from the feds to institute what amounts to an apparent ‘first leg’ push for the global smart grid and Internet of Things (IoT) [1].
The IoT is designed to track everyone’s every interaction at all times—in your car (transponders and E-Z Pass); on your computers—specifically Windows 10 backdoors that apparently allow the feds access to your computer; through your ‘smart’ home appliances—especially TVs [2]; plus a human RFID microchip [3] surgically imbedded somewhere inside your body to enforce a cashless society, tracking, and an obvious ultimate control mechanism over every human! That IoT sure beats what Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Stalin visualized and enforced! Why aren’t consumers waking up to what’s being done to us?
Furthermore, does the Draco-like (7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, or his code of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence [7]) push for vaccines starting as soon as a fetus exits the womb until one reaches advanced old age play a part in any of this, especially vaccine nanoparticles?Utility Smart Meters – A Probable Terrorist Connection Unveiled?
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr