Salt attracts water into the alimentary canal and keeps food moving through it.
Salt Water Flush - Mix two tablespoons of Pink Himilian Sea Salt with Water and sip it slowly. It purifies the alementary canal.
Drink two tablespoons of warm cold pressed castor oil on an empty stomach and it purifies the alimentary canal.
Apple cider vinegar cleans the intestines.
All types of oxygen therapies such as hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, black oxygen and ozonated water clean the entire alimentary canal. You can also get oxygen pills which act in a similar way to purify the alimentary canal and the entire body and brain.
Charcoal, zeolite, bentonite clay, epsom salts and bentonite clay purify the alimentary canal.
Always leave four or five hours between meals in order to keep the human body pure because the digestive juices have time to build up again after the last meal and a process called migratory motor complex comes into play inside your body after approximately four hours to clean the intestines after the last meal.
I am not a medical professional so please do your own research.