
To those who are being perped via PC.


Observation: the recent program being used to monitor and control PC is an app that allows playing of video.


Observed that in different cafes I go to, whenever they play videos/movies, that's when the PC would take on a life of its own. When I raise the PC issue, it won't be resolved unless they stop the video being played.


The videos being played and the app it's being played on serves as the gateway app by which the TI PC is being controlled.


Again, depending on the character/kindness of the person, a TI can not be harassed unless they allow themselves to become tools or more specifically, if they allow the apps to be played even if they know it's serving as the doorway by which a TI is bullied.


It all boils down again to the battle between good and evil.


Their principles and faith in God... or the devil.

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