Vile Pantheons

     What is most abhorrent and abominable about this evil, which no human being can forgive, is the trampling under foot of all the blood which is presently being shed and all the blood that has been shed by those who have ever fought to seek, to secure and to defend the liberty to do good.

     There are those within our own government, the government of the United States of America,{ president and vice president excluded}, who while sending our own service men and women, our military, to fight terrorism in foreign lands, are sanctioning the terrorization of its own citizens on American soil.  The death toll of our military, the damage done to bodies and souls continues on.  These men and women and their families who are suffering and those whose suffering is yet to come are being betrayed by those within the very government that sent them into harms way.  The best and most patriotic warriors the world has ever seen, have and are being dishonored and grievously so.  Healing for these warriors may not be possible.

     American terrorest , who are hiding behind a badge of authority, who purposefully with fore thought, with intent and with an act of their will commit, unconscionable , vile, cruel, humiliating and degrading acts upon American citizens that destroy body and soul incrementally.  Who also watch as their victims's life deteriates while they relish the pleasure of inflicting pain on another human being as if they were playing a vidieo game.

     Human beings is what we call ourselves, but we don't readily associate ourselves with atrocities commited by the most villianest of human beings in history.  These perputratiors of evil weren't monsters or beasts that came out of the pit of hell.  They came into the world through the womb of woman.  Tares sown amongst the wheat growing among us indistinguishable since the the fall in "The Garden of Eden" waiting for a time and a season to act out their pernicious desires using the latest science and technology on an unsuspecting humanity.

     Some of them who are torturing me "Here" may even name the Name of Christ, thinking that they are doing God a service.  But they don't know God.  If they knew God they wouldn't thrist to inflict pain on any human being.  They have at times let me have two or three no torture days but they come back to drink the bottle dry and to be drunk on the pain of their victims.  They have with an act of their will, chosen, just as others have in the not too recent past, to join the ranks of the vile pantheon of evil doers

     This is a rendering of a Talmudic saying, it is not the responsibility of any one person to complete the task but it is also not permissible for any person to avoid it.  "Here" were I am, presently, they are feeling the hot breath of accountability on the backs of their necks.


                                                                                                                         Michael Benoit

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