Virtualis voluptatibus syndrome, this is the reality that humanity working in contact with the power of teleportation QUANTIFIED suffering according to my personal observations. Good men have accepted defeat as humans and have been linked to Satanism. Satanism is nothing to cede the territory to the dark pleasure product "cognitive biostimulation" with "quantified bioresonance" creates subidon testosterone, adrenaline and dopamine: VIRTUAL ORGASM replacing the human orgasm. Human sexuality must have failed as a means of intercommunication between living humans and to stop fighting it and join the mobida I sign up to work for science and I enjoy sex with other women ... For as man I'm satisfied.
Women were noted to be equal to men and destroy black magic tricks with women who are a rival or hate ... Over civilized women in this work closed cycle opportunities for hVirtualis voluptatibus syndrome , umana.
The woman is the symbol of family unity and the references given to the children for their education. Woman is man's support because their emotional intelligence resolves conflicts that can not.
Many ignore the penis that biostimulation can create, like the devil .... That gives esteem the man!
The question is:
1) The eye of the observer changes the observed reality, ie inidviduo predator sex and forbidden pleasures in our constitution as child rape and degrade the cognitive system takes all ideas AVATAR depraved instincts ... PSYCHIC AND PRIMER created by a transfer of THOUGHT, CONDUCT AVATAR changing psychically raped with teleportation QUANTIFIED ...
2) is collaborating to believe that man is wolf to man and it is because you can ...
3) you are creating a despicable society that everyone wants to REMOVE FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH, and we're giving permission to those threads mueben world to do ....
behavior or life .....
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