I and my friend LIM have BUGS with Prewiev youtube.
When we upload videos to youtube, we have no prewiev.
I think that our accounts, have suffered attacks and viruses
It requires technical assistance from the creators of the community. It requires assistance from programmers.
I think there is a virus similar to Koobface
In my investigation of my diagnosis, errors occur even in my personal mail to peacepink.
- Down 172 characters for ROBIN
Also, I must leave 3 post, because I peacepink continues to write over 2000 characters.
If I count them are much less. In a blog post, I can write up to 10,000 characters. Error and continues to appear that I have overcome.
Personally, I believe that there are attacks by the Cyber Kiddy BLACK HAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please assistence, it's impossible to work here in peacepink so :-(
Bugs in my POST, in MY PREVIEW VIDEO, in my post peacepink, and also in a post etc.
10.000 characters??? 2.000 characters ??? I can not write a million posts
For me is a virus as KNOOBFACE !!! Do you understund ?!
Here, when the bugs appear
CLICK also here please ----------> https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/spammer-in-peacepink-botnet
This is my TEST VIMEO and diagnostics https://peacepink.ning.com/video/agente-segreto-italiano-parla
Robin, how many characters count? I count a lot less than 2,000. Even in my mail is impossible to respond to messages. I have to write many messages to answer. I get the same bug. you can not even respond to private messages.
Please note that there are many suspicious accounts in peacepink.
the cyberKiddy in Facebook and MySpace, creating many accounts, then let them stop. or I've seen what a mess it was. They also create 100 accounts and keep them still. LOGIN and LOGOUT and then continue with Spamming and start to attack. They look for flaws. So far I only have this problem and LIM.
They look for flaws computer (BLACK HAT)
Intruder,Black Hat.
I have written in good English? To understand what I wrote?
Now I used LINUX and I have also Apple Macintosh. BUGS,BUGS and again BUGS.
For me this is virus as KNOOBFACE o similar.
leak,hole in peacepink.
after kiddy :-(
it requires checking accounts peacepink.
there are saboteurs and they are not just spammers