Wake Up Everybody! Stopping watching your stupid TV and get your head out of the clouds. Something horrible is approaching and it concerns everyone. Your way of life is about to change for the worst. The New World Order is here to strip away your freedom and rights. I know most people are just dumb downed and drugged up so they can't really think clearly. It is deliberate and this depopulation agenda is on its way. Another false flag or real event is about to take place. I think it could be a London bombing at the Olympics or an alien invasion. I think that because the mascots are one eyed aliens. You have problem, reaction, solution. They are running out of time so they will act very soon. This is no longer a stupid conspiracy theory but a fact. Distracting people so they are unaware of what is happening right under their noses. People don't question reality or pay attention because they are simply busy chasing money or whatever. There also predictive programming in movies. You can think for yourself and do the research. The world nightmare is about to manifest itself! Just you wait and see.
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