War on information - my experience January 2014

We all know that any story  which  is about electronic harassment or mind control, has great difficulties to get publicized on mainstream media.  This month, I found that information blackout has reached some new heights.

 I ordered John Hall book a new breed satellite terrorism from Amazon. After a month, the parcel arrived. But book was not exactly what I ordered. The cover was from  John Hall book. but the first page  was from Harris W. Moore book “Manual training toys”. Unfortunately also rest of the pages were about how to build small wooden toys this example is from page 77.

I started to feel, that perhaps I should have used some precautions when opening this parcel. I opened the Amazon parcel on kitchen with my bare hands. What perhaps I should have done, is open the parcel in outdoors using  gloves. This  just in case, there was some deadly bacteria or  exotic poison, inside the parcel. I did not even check the radioactivity of parcel. If it had radioactive polonium inside, I will go same way to grave as Yasser Arafat did. I bought Geiger-counter after Chernobyl, but I have lost it somewhere.

  I would have perhaps believed for some error in printing process, if there had not happened some other strange things, on the  same time. The excellent hyperlink that was written by DeepThought: Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed , did not work anymore. Inside this article is a link for scientific paper about 2,5 gigahertz special electromagnetic wavetype that can go through anything, even inside the earth for several miles.  This link - http://www.rexresearch.com/cornwell/cornwell.htm      is not   in the same server than previous Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed story. Still It does not   work  anymore. I started to feel that there are too much coincidences  for same subject.

I searched information about  patent US#3951134  Altering and monitoring Brain waves remotely. I got the number of patent from youtube here. I found  a lot of interesting links, if one has time to check every one of them. Again I found  a hint of information blackout ,  this time from Wikipedia.

Now when I find something very interesting  about electronic mind control in Internet, I try to copy it to my computer hard drive ,if possible. After telling  interesting hyperlink to others, it perhaps does  not exist on next day.

 I would  get these disappeared documents with Internet wayback machine. Example this Rex research story about 2,5 gigaherts wave that can go throught everything is possible get with address http://web.archive.org/web/20131115102549/http://rexresearch.com/cornwell/cornwell.htm. but perhaps on next time disappeared  documents are not able to rescued, even with wayback machine.

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