I recently came back from a trip to Europe in hopes of losing eh signal, I have traveled to Italy,Switzerland,Germany,Poland,Hungary, and Bulgaria as well as passed through Czech republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia , and Slovenia. In all those places I had continues uninterrupted v2k signal. It seems to me that one of the reasons for this is because I was tuned to from different locations and sources. So I believe the criminals who got a hand on v2k radios are operating from different countries and using probably amateur radio broadcasts or other possibly publicly available broadcasts to transmit their S#$T. What they are doing to us is probably much simpler then many of us think, only on the count that there is lack of knowledge of the tech at the moment. So we must expose this technology to the general public and defenses must be made available to all citizens of this Earth. We should come together and form physical groups and work seriously on exposing and complete protection against electronic harassment.
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