Hi everyone,We need to start setting up safehouses or a community for Ti.The perps use psychological warfare against us.Rendering us helpless and unable to be able to fight back.We must start a respite or safe house where we come together and help one another.The most common results from being a Ti is that we become isolated making it easier for the perps to accomplish the goal of torment or etc.If we don't we run the risk of being islolated and being picked off one by one.We must accept that this is bigger than us that we are no match for the unlimited about of funds and resources that are perps or us government has access too.We are kidding ourselves almost in a state of denial that we able to deal with thus alone or somehow by an act of god this will stop or go away.It won't we are an investment and the (perps) won't stop until they have gotten a return on their investment.I have been a victim spanning 3 decades I have a good background of our legal systems and how it works.We will never win in the courts only in the public court of opinion.This is a global issue no where can you move that will end this torment.That why if we don't come together now we will be here on this sane forums. And blogs complaining about the torture we are enduring.It up to us to put a end to this.Any ideas or suggestions Matt Overton 3057679220. I use my real name because I'm not ashamed or scared of the perps I will not live in fear I will not be controlled no one elected them to decide by fate.So kiss my ass perps because what you do today I will make sure you pay tomorrow ten fold.So suck it
What we need are people with building skills .Thinking of house with large piece of land that we could build small cabins.So we could have 2 bedroom cabin but use latest shielding equipment from metals and mesh to the lead shingles grounding them and latest jamming equipment ..build what I would want would be ten in circler fashion.almost giving it a campground feel but privacy...
Thats an awsome idea you know, I live in australia but i would move anyhwhere in the world to be with other targets, a community of people to support each other.... its true every shielding that is available we could put our funds together and purchase to make the house as sound as possible.
Thats an awsome idea you know, I live in australia but i would move anyhwhere in the world to be with other targets, a community of people to support each other.... its true every shielding that is available we could put our funds together and purchase to make the house as sound as possible.