I don't know if its just me but this website seems to have a large amount of ads and pop ups that navigate you to some products sites too frequently but I understand that this sites creator and administrator is also a TI who had quite a hard experience. That's why even if it is bothersome and irritating; I decided to stick with frequenting this site because I understand the administrator has to have a source of income to make ends meet.  But with the recent message from Ms. Mary Ager; I am having second thoughts......I hope our profile info is not being peddled out.....your thoughts....

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  • Where is the administrator of this site, there seems to be repetitive spam posted here by one profile.  The site used to delete that kind of posting before.

  • Could Mary's postings be due to a spambot, some sort of virus/trojan, or some sort of artificial intelligence? DeepThought claimed in his newsvine.com articles on the NSA and artificial intelligence computers that the computer could create its own YouTube account and post to the account without human help. Are Mary's postings on Peacepink so close in time that only a computer could make the postings, or is there a time lag between postings?
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