There is an article on my blog about my bike tour in France. I was on the run because of these evils made my life horrible in the UK. They locked me out from the work market. So I jumped on my bike with all my belongings and turned the wheels towards Spain. There you can find fruits in every month of the year and people live you to sleep in tents if you don't make too much trouble.
I'd like you to think of these pictures. Just look at the maps and think about what you see?
I slept at Migné where a red dot is breaking the red line. I slept in my tent thinking that this area would be a peaceful place. I was wrong. Near to the crossing there is a military base with a huge "telecommunication tower". Not long before I reached this base, my camera gone. What a coincidence? The so called tower looked like this on the right:The wind had been blown from east to north for one week with a constant speed around 15-25 km/hour. I was fed up with it.
Later on the way from Spain to Hungary I have ridden through some other interesting areas.
For example if you want to ride a really beautiful way through the Pirineos choose this ghat heading to Barbastro. You can see some interesting places, in both sides of the mountain. The road is enchanting, but take care, I saw human bones around.
Next area to check out is the wider area of Lake de Sainte Croix near Riez in France.
Having a closer look on this map above you can just leave your intuition work, thinking of weather manipulation. What is happening in this area? What is the purpose of weather manipuation? What is the main goal of these guys "upstairs"?
What else? Money. Controll. Power.

So what is going on?

What do you think?
Anyone who is brave enough to investigate please do it. Please make pictures in the area. And listen for them. Just meditate on the map of wider area around:

And if you travel to Monaco, which is a heroin, cocaine entry base on sore, you can see some more advanced camouflage for these "telecommunication towers". There are four of these towers in Monaco. Telecommunication? with four so big antennas? Strange.