I stumbled across this site accidently while viewing someone's pictures that were posted on peace pink.
I highly doubt the individual is a perp and I doubt that she even knew that the picture was actually making fun of us instead of supporting us. You actually can't tell until you call the 1-888 number provided. It is an automated answering service with some pretty wicked (albeit funny IMO) information.
Hey you got to laugh at these morons don't you?
this is a link within the site that has people pretending to call in complaining about EH and microwave manipulation
Take a break from the everyday sorrow for a minute and feast your eyes on this nonsense.
You will have to place a &_ before each entry to navigate through the site. For instance if you want to go straight to the download section to hear the fake podcast and fake pdf's you would enter
and so on
if you are sensitive, then I don't recommend that you go to this site. Their could be what they call triggers placed there and it could be a deliberate set up to do just that to the victims that are more sensitive to them.
Take a break from the anger and depression for a sec and laugh at how evil and sick these freaks are! And in the meantime, let it be a valuable learning tool. Because this proves more than a shadow of a doubt that the world knows what the hell is going on and they are enjoying themselves full (FOOL) heartedly.
We need understanding. And this crap defies all types of understanding. Except for understanding that we are up against some highly immoral asses and the sheeple of the world will follow their lead when it comes to electronic harassment and DEW. In my opinion, whether you are an atheist or not, I believe that Jesus is the only one that can provide us with the understanding and wisdom the we need to deal with this sick world.
Like my perps always tell me, time's have changed.