Last night was horrible like many others they have the nerve to narrate there induced dreams, I'm sleepless I need to find out my rights as far as confronting these chicken sh*ts, politely and tactfully of course, to see if I can maybe get them to wake up! not that I think it will do much but thinking lately, it might make me feel better. Everywhere I go they are there everything I do, I have to get rid of them *sniffle* I don't ever get a break....I have social pressures this week along with a job I work for a trade skill (I've been off for the summer but dealt with it before that I'm just weakening)....what the heck does one do when they get in a room with an older person who may not be open about there v2k experience with all this? I'm afraid of someone getting sick on me because of it.Outside that I need a hotline to call when I'm this stressed but I'm afraid! Peace Pink needs a phone hotline.....
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