5 am. One of them i am certain is this guy that I had a relationship with in 91-92. in early of 92 or the end of 91 I overheard a conversation I was not to suppose to listen to. this guys friends was into CB radios & Ham radios. & tinkering around with electronics.ad a International Ham & CB radio club. the day I had overheard this conversation, I was standing in his house... on a work table he had set up. I saw electronic pieces all laid out across the entire table, they almost looked like a bunch of mother boards. at least that is how I see them now. I was listening to the song that was playing on this guys stereo, but I was also listening to their conversation. he also had a illegal antenna set against the apartments, we had later moved into next to this guy. the conversation was, the guy I was with had asked his friend what he was working on. his friend was bragging that when his last piece arrived he would be able to listen to some ones thoughts. like he was a child that would have a toy he could use on the public. he had also said that if anyone caught him he would end up in federal prison. this guy had started whispering that part, what I remember was at that moment they both turned their head in my direction to stare at me, to see if I had been listening to their conversation. because I was singing one of the songs on the radio they immediately turned their head back to one another. one commenting no I had not overheard them. speaking about this illegal device that was in the works of being made. when the first time I had really noticed that they had really made this device was when i had mentioned that I had thought that someone was listening too my mental voice. this guy i was with had bolted so fast out the door that his heels didn't have enough time to hit the floor & up to his friends. the comment that I remembering hearing him through the device( mentally )comment to his friend, it is working. & denying it to me. and commenting to me that I was crazy, stuff like that could not happen.
A few years later I had met a man, my current husband. of 16+ yrs. when we try to have a romance i our lives, I suffer of headaches, severe pain. and chest pains. & bodily functions going haywire. their comments are, is that the pains are punishment for my choice of activities. and that the man that I was once with was jealous of me having my current husband in my life, when we get back together we will do this, we will do that. I do and never plan to return to this gentleman. when we were together he and his friends had bragged about how they had put his ex-wife in a metal institution. I guess that , that was a threat to me as to if I got out of line they would do the same thing to me. they comment strength comes in numbers. his threat to me ( thank god your not married to me or I would put you in a metal institution, How I was crazy. ) and thank god he didn't bring a gun into his house I would of probably pulled it on him just like his ex-wife had. but plausible deny-ability is what they are hoping to have on their sides.
I do imagine that this device was invented, long before these perps laid their hands on this device.