Its official, everyone in my city is either a perp or if they are not immediately they become one soon enough. The gangstalking occuring in this world is on a massive scale. I dont know what experiences you have had with it but in my experience manKIND is becoming manCRUEL.
Whats your opinion? Are people really just being talked or conned into becoming perps? Or are they being mind-controlled just as we are? This network is too big for so many people to be so inhumane.
Im starting to believe the whole world is prey to mind-control. What do you think?
My perps are cops they control everybody lawyers, civil rights groups, media, all the agencys that work for the city and state, thats another resaon T.I's dont get help
I didnt know this at first but after over 500 emails, faxes and phone calls I can prove this.
To win a federal lawsuit you have to prove they violated the law and caused you damages I know the law this can be proven very easily, Thats why I know all these poeple are puppets for the perps. They aint fooling me.
Take a look at this:
and not especific mind control but i think it will help us:
I agree with Hassan, the ones not being TI´s and appear to be "against" us victims, are most likely not aware and are subliminal effected in some way. How? thats the question, and it also gives some wonders about, are all people effected by some devices, particles in body, or is it possible to do those things whitout any thing in body at all, by just using the brain as the tool? By making the TI, thinking everyone is against hime/her, they boost the psycological aspect of this horrible experimentation. Unfortunately, the perps, or should I say the "programme" runned at us, often success in this, as many TT´s believe their family, friends, neighbors or people at the streets are against or after them. I also think Paul has a good point when asking "Can you notice if the stalker's mouths move when you here someone speak" as they can induce voices in our heads and mimic any voice they want, they most likely also can induce "(in reality non said) words" in our heads, and sync it with the mouths we see and its movements. As when you meet a person in the street, hearing him say something, and in reality the words are induced in your head only./Annie
They did it recently to me. I have been setup and I have an idea of who it is. In my case it authorities trying to set me up. Police depeartment.
just an observation.