Those who waited in line for more than twelve hours in order to see Elizabeth Windsor's casket are grovelling idiots. Those who look up to their own equals are the very same people who look down on others. If you identify those who grovel to those at the top of hierarchies you have also identified those who look down on others because they are one and the same. If you are identified in future as grovelling to one of your own equals you will be named. Most of the people of the world wish to promote equality throughout the world and if you are grovelling like a fool to those at the top of manmade hierarchies you are not promoting equality and therefore you are the enemy of humanity. I watched while six former prime ministers of Britian, namely John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Teresa May and Boris Johnson sang the song 'God Save the King' at the top of their voices to Charles Windsor and I felt sad at the level of grovelling which I was witnessing. Charles Windsor who is now calling himself King Charles III represents a system of oppression. Those who celebrate him have become locked inside a mental cage of inculcation. The British Royal Family have stolen valuable relics and jewels from all over the world which they refuse to return to their rightful owners. They have made some of their money in the past from owning slaves. They should not be celebrated or grovelled to. If you show up and grovel at the coronation of Charles Windsor next May, you will be named and shamed.
The coronation of a king is simply an act of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature takes place during the act of mesmerism other than the willingness of those in attandance and their support network to believe that something supernatural took place.
It is believed that Charles Windsor is the illigitimate son of one of the Rothschild banking family. According to author Susan Bradford in her widely available book 'Royal Blood Lies' which was published in 2021, Nathan Rothschild was the wealthiest man in Britian by the year 1815. He had a controlling interest in British companies and he was in complete control of the British economy by that year. He baled the British Royal Family out of financial debt in exchange for the right to breed into the British Royal bloodline. By similar means the Rothschilds have bred themselves into royal families and government control throughout most of Europe. According to Susan Bradford's aforementioned book 'Royal Blood Lies' the Vatican is now also controlled by the Rothschilds. In my own opinion, the man who I call Charles Windsor and who is now being called King Charles III by some individuals, has a strong resemblance to Evelyn de Rothschild who is profiled here. Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild (b. 1931), . Evelyn officially joined the family business at age 26, and successfully widened the family fortune. He was made chairman in 1982. He has also served as chairman of The Economist magazine, De Beers diamonds, and IBM UK. In 1989 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and remained her personal financial adviser until her death.
If Charles Windsor who is now calling himself King Charles III is ever officially crowned king I believe that it will lead to the enslavement of human kind by means of Rothschild money. I believe that the Rothschild banking family are backing his attempt at being crowned as part of their plan for world control and enslavement. If you can do anything at all to prevent his being crowned king please do so in order to protect your own future freedom and the freedom of your children and grandchildren.
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