What's the cloud?
Posted by THIS IS NOT Paragon the July 31, 2014 at 1:25 pmVer blog
The nube.Es the PETER PAN WITHOUT SHADOW us this VAMPIRIZANDO flying through the electromagnetic interface surrounding our EARTH.
What is it?? It is a system for sending data through the astral. The astral = airspace surrounding a nucleus.
The subject land is a core and computing engineers, telecommunications engineers and other commodities have been working hard to create telecommunications network linking countries. The air space is there from earth ground or ocean floor to extratosfera, there is a legal vacuum in this regard, so that no one can lay a complaint or paranoid schizophrenia cancer when exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
Quantum physics called "string" to the electromagnetic unions from the satellite to the servers, from servers to other servers, from a personal computer to a server, a control tower from a satellite etc .... STRINGS. We live immersed in a "fishbowl electromagnetism" diverse that is killing us all, but you can not complain because there is no concern for it and does not require that the constitution and human rights remodel. We do not care to inform and unite to kill an enemy of health that gives us so much pleasure and welfare state.
The cloud is the allien that sneaks into our homes and make the miracle of "communication space / real time" that we like.
In general server in a particular enterprise, eg EL Mare Nostrum, a supercomputer with servers to store research on genomics, a satellite, and the satellite where they need that privileged information, clear up buying.
The cloud is the astral or spiritual manifestation of predatory capitalism we love, even whole villages are asesiandos by mineral and energy required to maintain telecommunications.
This photo is like a spider's web in which dreams are woven servers, server dream is made of magnetic primer in their cores and fly through the interface electromagnetism from house to house, from server to server, satellite in satellite ... is PETER PAN WITHOUT SHADOW us this VAMPIRIZANDO.
The Information Technology (IT), as the clown who kidnapped traumatized children to the great spider devour, Do you remember a stephen king?
And this is not modern, a great painter created us a symbolic hermeneutics with your table:
LAS HILANDERAS DE VELAZQUEZ, and we talk about mind control manipulation of citizenship.
Fijaros detail red curtains, it is as if the microwave is removed you can see what is happening inside.
Some women weaving the past, present and future. A tapestry = gobelino = Elf in French, in the background illuminated with sunlight, reflecting the image of the painting: The Rape of Europa.
rubens, with a very interesting Republican red silk with omega way deep into the sea.
El gobelino is speaking of the political intentions of that time.Tapestry is goblin or elf, be magical .. We're talking about the use of psychotronic to mober ideals.
The cloud already existed in ancient eras.
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