Your body is no longer yours. How you will live like that. They are controlling my mind, body, and life. I can’t take any decision or living my life. Why I didn’t end my life. I am living in psychological and physical pain every day.
I can’t live like anyone else. Everyone is making a family and living their life. I can’t transfer the torture to my children. I rather living alone. Okay if they left me and set me free then I will be able to live normal but what if they chose to hunt my children life and control their minds or even my grandchildren. I can’t risk anyone get hurt because of me.
How will be the life next 5 or 10 or 30 years? The suffering is in increase and the mind is becoming more weak.
I feel everyone I contact with or communicate is hurt or being abused by them. They can do anything to continue their evil plan or experiments.
If we raise awareness about mind control maybe they go after those new people because of us.
How many hate or bad action or opportunity lost are done because of them?
How many people are killed by them?
So many how's and can't's ..
This is our present and future
Thank you for your sharing your story and your kind words, I agree with and understand them.
I've built Faraday shields with about eight millimetre of zinc coated carbon steel sheeting, fully Earthed, the energies still went through it.
We need something much more grand in size and effect, yet cheap enough to be feasible.
If you care to chat sometime please add me to LINE messenger: atisd
Stay safe your not alone.
Or try to find ways or music that affect the mind and help calming it. It is the whole planet it will be always sources that can be accessed. Always there will be a way to protect ourselves and stand for our rights.
It would be great if you could share what you know..
It is necessary that we could somehow capture the v2k voice weapon, "Voice of God" Medusa weapon on some sort of measuring device. I can not go to the authorities because I have little proof. I have proof of patents etc but not direct proof because I am overwhelmed by all the assorted technologies and top secret weapons they could use.. I am worried some of these chips are SECRETIVE and UNTRACEABLE.. I looked 5 years ago into going to a Farday cage {{see-ICAAT on internet} group for tis} but it was expensive and I was worried that the weapons would not be traceable so I did not try and also I needed some time to get the money together.
However, I think you are focused, positive, and that is good. If I can help you in any way, please let me know.
I try to be focused but sometimes the harassment is so great I have to stop. I have been TARGTEDA ND TORTURED in outrageous ways for decades because I was a human rights advocate. I think I was a victim of Secretive and Sadistic Torture and that is why it was so bad for me. See I knew my perpetrators had crossed the line between right and wrong and they tortured me and lied about me to minimize me because I was right about the way the world and shadow government should be run with JUSTICE FOR ALL ---not just insiders..
I will follow your column and help you if I can in any way,
I frequently feel ashamed of myself not because of my actions but because of actions by the perpetrators. For instance, I have the voice of God weapon, v2k chip in my head. Oftentimes, when I am with others the perpetrators open my mouth/use my voice and say nonsense using my mouth/voice without my consent without my approval. (Ofentimes, I can not control the mouth because the technology is so powerful. ) I feel ashamed what they words they place in my mouth--and some of the time it is impossible to censor. Therefore I am at their mercy. They are nasty to me.
Also they commit other cruel acts against me that are so vile I can not report them online. I think other tis also face this torture and some other time I will add it to the online forum so others may share and so that hopefully we can report collectively and sue. .
I know how you feel, and if I can help you in any way, please let me know.
I agree, we must work together if we want to have enough power to take back control of our own lives. I've a project on PeacePink for building technology to help stop these transgressions against us. Let me know if you're interested, I'd love the support.
Best regards,
Please contact me, I don't care if you're rich or poor, we must stand together.
-Douglas (