" An unacknowledged problem exists in the realm of human subject experimentation: criminal acts are being committed seemingly without consequence. The individuals escaping punishment are no ordinary individuals; rather, they are medical researchers whose exalted social status combined with the social benefits of their research appear to immunize them from punishment"http://www.thefreelibrary.com/When+human+experimentation+is+criminal.-a0199193804
It started with disregard for pain, mutilation and suffering through experimentation on insects, rodents, cats, dogs, bovines, equines, pigs, birds and they graduated to non-human primates then proceeded to human primates. Social status is a huge part of it along with the lure of well funded federal government grants.
The abuses and violations committed in "research" labs still happen even with USDA regulations for critters, so I would not expect anything different for humans. Unfortunately for the lab critters, they could not even give consent if consent were offered and they cannot file suit.
Still, I expect we'll find that in most cases filed with the courts, the federal government will have immunity in law suits brought by TI's. And surely they will not find themselves accountable in any adminstrative investigation.
Why do they call them experiments they know they are breaking human rights laws, This is torture and the perps know exactly what the damages will be, theyve been using these weapons for years and years. They already killed thousands all over the world. Everybodys perps are murderers.
It started with disregard for pain, mutilation and suffering through experimentation on insects, rodents, cats, dogs, bovines, equines, pigs, birds and they graduated to non-human primates then proceeded to human primates. Social status is a huge part of it along with the lure of well funded federal government grants.
The abuses and violations committed in "research" labs still happen even with USDA regulations for critters, so I would not expect anything different for humans. Unfortunately for the lab critters, they could not even give consent if consent were offered and they cannot file suit.
Still, I expect we'll find that in most cases filed with the courts, the federal government will have immunity in law suits brought by TI's. And surely they will not find themselves accountable in any adminstrative investigation.