Who am I dating, shocking!

Dear people,

This is shocking!

I having trouble seeing in general.

The perp manipulates my eyes.

I have a boyfriend he's bald.

I have seen 4 different versions of him all bald of course.

One is young and my hight.

One is tall and has long legs and a big belly.

One looked like he haf a valcan nose and dark rings around his eyes.

I kept looking at him, he ate a lot.

He the male perp changes stuff in my eyes. 

I have seen my boyfriend changes from a avarag face into a wide face that must have been the fith.

The girl perp said I slept with different men.

People in the shop and street laugh at me. Even in my flat my shouted it out. She being sexual abuse they say. The male Perp wants me to be his girlfriend. He wants fame. He keeps on filling my head with sexual thoughts about him, every day. He the male perp is jalouse of my boyfriend.

He wants me to break-up with my boyfriend.

He, the male perp changes shops names and the exterial. He laughs out loud. He the male perp has ruin my life. He told me once when I am done abusing you I will throw you away.

I can't film anything, he doesn't me to have any evidance. He manipulates my camera, recordings, camera and music.

I have no job.

They destroy my stuff and clothes, the burgelars. They keep coming back. They leave sexual drawings in my house, on my tiles, on my kitchen counter and once big one on the floor. It's to the extreme. The male Perp gives them instructions. Do this do that. Sometimes I think it's the male himself. The people listen to him. He the male perp sabotage my life, there's not much left of my life.

The male perp wants men to Gang rape me.

It's all because I am a black girl dating a white man.


Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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