Who are the perpetrators?
By definition, torture is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity .Those most likely to be involved in torture include persons such as:
- prison officers/detention staff
- the police
- the military
- paramilitary forces
- state-controlled contra-guerilla forces
But perpetrators may also include:
- health professionals
- legal professionals
- co-detainees acting with the approval or on the orders of public officials
- death squads
In the context of armed conflicts, torture and other forms of ill-treatment could also be inflicted by:
- opposition forces
- the general population (in a civil war situation)
Cops, FBI, CIA and government paid perps, they will get to your job, friends,lawyers, doctors, teachers, everybody you know and they will destroy your name and get them to join in the gangstalking, they will get everybody to be your enemy, Thats what the CHICAGO police did to me they are the perps, They are nasty racist criminals and the whole world will know what that shit is. I have all the evidence I need to prove it in federal court. I can get the names of my perps in court though they will pay for their crimes.
They committed every crimes on the gangstaliking list including DEW, Cops, FBI use DEW