1. “Who hacked this piece of news, as evidence for UN Committee Against Torture?”
Laser weapons used against civilians confirmed by Canadian Judge,” One officer shone a laser beam at the end of his weapon at Botten and chanted, the judge ...said.” “The contempt demonstrated by this behavior has the eerie overtones of the worst sort of abuse orchestrated by fascist states,” Sachs said in her motion ruling, released in October. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/crime/article/1314123--toronto-g20-summit-protester-convicted-despite-rights-violation (Disappeared or hacked?)
I attach one new link: http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2013/03/28/g20_rioter_from_bc_sentenced_to_10_months_despite_having_her_rights_infringed.html
The whole part is in here:
2. ”Hands off my/our letter to UNCAT” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiu7qoC9Qdg