Why are you not outraged?

I don't understand why you are not outraged? Have they just not done enough to you yet? Maybe you need a little of what’s being done to me to stand up and reclaim your inalienable/ unalienable rights.

I just left a public restroom at my local lunch spot where they blocked the flow of urine. I stood up; they released the hold – I’m wearing a skirt and nylons. Went over to the towel rack and grabbed a bunch of paper towels and then over to the plastic trash container with lid on top designed to swing back and forth. As I approached the plastic container, the lid swung open. The loser tweaked my foot expecting to be recognized.

Before leaving home this morning I made coffee. They wrecked the front of one blouse with the usual caffeine stains so changed into a starched pressed white blouse where they took up arms again like mighty little men and targeted the front of the 2nd blouse again with their trademark coffee stains in the usual location down the front of my blouse and at the usual spot between button 5 and 6. Today they’re feeling extra feisty so in addition to coffee stains, they took a pen and etched some tiny graffiti right smack dab dead center to enhance the coffee stains. Technology that could be saving lives is demeaned by these criminals when they slash fingers as I am looking down at my hand to witness the very action, putting ink and coffee stains on my clothing, melting and marking the top of my rubber Birkenstocks, destroying beautiful hand bags, targeting family photos with tiny pin head precision laser shots, and a hundred other examples I could cite. Technology gone by the wayside being used in every destructive way they can come up with; every negative influence jotted down and put to good use. This is part of the psychological warfare program that goes hand in hand with the same weapons of war being used to physically abuse and torment those who have been taken hostage.

Again, the people doing this to us are criminal agencies within the government connected to military intelligence and the Pentagon. This is a fact for pretty much all of us. As American citizens
exercising our Constitutional rights, why are we not gathering together ALL OF US once and for all, marching to the beat of the same drummer, going to Washington, D.C. to demand that these weapons being used on us be brought to an end
IMMEDIATELY and the little men in high places rounded up and tried for treason and murder. Obviously, writing letters is to no avail and trying to get
elected officials to work on our behalf is just not happening. We must keep trying until we succeed to alert the American people in every way we can think up to expose this
hidden evil which is permitting covert CIA/ NSA operations at work in remote locations on military bases and installations, defense corporations, universities and other locations. The way they are going after me, they are getting high marks for a job well done.

Each time I document in this way, I like to take the opportunity to inform the public about this covert criminal activity and some of the guilty entities and individuals involved such as intelligence contractor, Stanford Research Institute -

– Futurists dedicated to building computing machines to mimic human capabilities, Robots, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience – Psychotronics -

(Psychological / Biological WARFARE Operations for Dept. of Defense)

Today , I reflect also on the likes of the not yet deceased Colonel John Alexander, that venerable prophet - guru known as the Father of Psychotronic Weaponry with decades of conspiracy against
the American people. A man who uttered the words "...We have nothing to worry about. The technology is invisible and cannot be detected." Hail Big Chief
little man!

I also acknowledge Donald Rumsfeld, former
Department of Defense boss who told the American people
If we cannot experiment on our

own people in times of peace, then what do we do in times of war. Well, Donald,

there is a gravestone with your name on it just waiting for you to lie down and play dead.

I am being targeted extra hard with neurological weapons up and down my legs at this time -experimentation Mr. Rumsfeld finds necessary to
inflict covertly on this American citizen, guilty of no crime
whatsoever… I am in great pain and can barely sit and type this
up, but I will even if it takes the entire day.

Another player in my personal story is Lockheed Martin - ranked as one of the world's leading technology companies. I wonder if Lockheed (USAF) pilots ever feel remorse about their participation. These sterling shining examples of morality and decency who go to work each day with the mindset of destroying another person's life - someone who is decent and good – something they are not… and maybe a scientist or two as Lockheed 'researches' their latest industrial whatever and walks away annually with millions of taxpayer dollars because THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

DON'T KNOW about the Covert Black Budget Programs using Unwitting American Human Subjects for

experimental purposes – Make that guilty on two counts for starters..

Was put to sleep for a few minutes last night with cell phone left opened and next to my head after having dialed into a conference call. At
11:25 p.m. one of the criminals used the phone to relay a message to
me in a loud, clear voice:
little by little we will break youis what the voice
said to me. I reached over for the phone, and it appeared to be dead
even though they'd just used it. My retort: I don’t think so...
loser. When war breaks out, I'll be on the front lines with a loaded
pistol hoping that one of you is standing in front of me. When I
heard it, I’m sure it wasn’t the same
little man - they
probably have not a dozen more cut from the same mold, but
thousands.. maybe they are cloned at Stanford Research Institute
which houses many of these jolly little men from hell..

I immediately recalled a CIA or NSA
operative who stalked me at the Albany, CA Public Library where one
day I was sitting with a globe of the world in my hands and he came
over to me – someone who stood out at a quick glance not in a good
way –
“Planning on
going somewhere?”

he said snickering to himself as if saying to me “
when hell freezes over.”
felt very personal with this guy; as though he was delighting at the
prospect of what they intended to do to me.

I became concerned last week after reading on Peace Pink how some targeted victims concern themselves with how
well the 'perps' (a better noun would be 'criminals') are going to
do when all of this is over and they are deprogrammed. Criminals who
are perpetrators of these horrific crimes , and we have victims
concerning themselves with
well being? And then Alexandra comments to me that she hopes there
is a “
good purpose”
for what they are doing to me.
on earth
could a

Have I died
and gone to hell a second time -is this what is called mind control
rearing its ugly head? When will you all get as angry as I am this
morning and come
and give it our best shot to get out of the mess we are in. 1500
victims of gang stalking and electronic harassment come together and
go to Washington, D.C. If we get tossed in jail all the better
because we will make headlines that a mainstream media will be
to report if we
create enough of a stir. Letters are a far cry in the wilderness –
been there, done that. Nobody cares and that is a reality. Okay,
people are waking up SOME but I guarantee that if we don't
will continue, and I for one do not like it. What they are doing to
and I do not PRAY for a pack of perverted criminals operating from
within the walls of the United States government that is
this to continue to be done to me. As long as everyone puts up with
it as meek little lambs to the slaughter
. We need to
stand up
– a united front once and for all. Get our asses thrown in jail –
at least gain recognition and exposure from the alphabet channels. I
barely have a dime left to my name, but if I had to I'd walk to get
there if it would get this monkey off my back.
it going to take for you?

I ask myself WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE REST OF THEM and WHY ARE THEY NOT AS ANGRY AS I AM? Prayer is good – but prayer + action is
better. Something more is necessary. Stand together and fight this
enemy! I've seen the faces of the enemy. They are ugly! They are
little men
who compensate for what they lack. Who was it who said “
only thing to fear is fear itself. “
cannot do it alone but I will join yous.

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  • Carol, I could explore what the rules and regulations are -but judging from the lack of response even to this blog, for some very strange reason that I cannot begin to comprehend, apparently ti's would rather continue to be victimized and not take a chance of getting our "issue" out to the American people... we would need large numbers, say 1500 of us or however many we can round up. I think it would get covered alright if it were approached correctly. If handled properly, it would get covered. What's this you write about journalists being unlawfully detained - I know nothing of this... do they continue to be jailed? Additionally, what you say about getting the various groups together physically somewhere - I just know we can pull this off and bring it to the attention of the American public so that our government is FORCED to address this domestic terrorism situation that they have created world-wide. EMR Weapons Assault and Abuse - my God, most people are so busy earning a living and struggling to survive, they can't possibly know what is going on... even if maybe they have gotten wind of it slightly, they haven't the slightest clue about what is going on and the magnitude or degree to which it is going on and that they cannot duck their heads and think it won't hit home. This thing is here, and it's not going away until something is done... our prayers need a helping hand and our strong actions. Soon, there will be no opportunity to go to Washington because of the weapons that have been put in place in local law enforcement agencies around the country -but at this time we still have the Constitution on our side and our peaceful statement cannot be legally denied. We do have a Constitution and we do have rights. Believe me, I am the poorest of the poor at this point in time but I will manage to get there. I don't want a future w/my brain hooked up to their computer interface any more than I choose to be a slave to this computer keyboard and calling this I a life. It sucks!
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