Why did The Scarborough Hospital refuse to disclose my complete medical record? It is disaster for The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers.
From The Scarborough Hospital psychiatrist’s letter to the investigator , you can see how The Scarborough Hospital and its psychiatrist conspired with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers to commit torture, “medical torture”.
I filed a complaint against this doctor who fabricated my medical record, refused to provide my full medical record with The Scarborough Hospital. In fact, they got involved in medical torture. The College’s investigator asked the doctor to explain why he fabricated my medical record and why there were significant conflicts between his handwritten notes and his formal report. However, this doctor wrote to the College and stated:
“ As there is no signed consent from Mr. Yan, my response is understandably restricted.”
They lied to the investigator regardless of the law and fact. Is it logical? I refused to sign the consent after I filed a complaint against him. The College dismissed my complaint based on doctor’s lie.
In addition, this psychiatrist stated: “ Mr. Yan also wrote to different level of management of “our hospital”. He was given appropriate response including from the top level.” What did he express? It had something to do with what the College asked him to do? For whom did he do this? Obviously, this was a conspiracy. Please see so called “appropriate response.”
I list two letters from The Scarborough Hospital regarding my complete medical record.
In its first letter, they stated:
- “…your request for your complete medical record pertaining to the visit paid to you by our Mobile Crisis Program…”
- “ I would like to inform you again that it is standard and legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes…”
In its second letter, they changed the way , removed “ legal practice” and stated:
- “You have received all documents from medical file at the Scarborough Hospital.”
- “ It is standard practice to take handwritten notes during a mental health interview and then transcribe to our computerized system the handwritten notes subsequently destroyed and ,as much, not available for everyone to review.”
This is their appropriate response! They destroyed the most important part of my medical record, handwritten notes; they refused to provide voice recordings of mental status examination ( Both one medical expert and the College stated they must have them. http://www.cpso.on.ca ). They refused to provide the recording of telephone between Toronto Police and The Scarborough Hospital.
Why did The Scarborough Hospital refuse to disclose my complete medical record? It is disaster for The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers if my complete medical record was disclosed to the public.
As a victim, what can I say and what can I do ?
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan