FFCHS is an organization I've given money to, but most all of the newsletters I throw my hands up in the air and decry foul or something to that extent since its mainly bogus reporting from people across the world who are either, A) not mentally well, or B) all hyped up over nothing. I still read it, but with a careful attention that one would read the National Enquirer.I gave these people my two cents worth about what our lawyer could do for us, about pursuing the Michigan law and trying to get our lawyer to cause action within the criminal investigation community, and guess where that got me? nowhere. They would rather chase after nothing than show results. PEOPLE: we demand results, especially from a lawyer that we pay for!This website: peacepink. Eric posts all day and all night and I never see him getting anywhere with anything. Its hard to be here for another, what? five years, ten years? I'm tired of this, PEOPLE!We need to, as a group, start seeing progess. Who has concrete ideas about how we do that? Some of these people have been doing this too long. They make the fighting a full time job. The fighting against someone that never gets anywhere.I hate that we don't know what is going on, and can't get the proof, and yet so many people with hold it from us. I hate that we have to do all the work and can't get an agency to help us, to be our voice, to be our advocate. I hate that its so convoluted with so much excess garbage that we can't see a clear view off the curb.I pray for us, people. I pray for the people that move me, just about to tears. My pain levels have not subsided much lately, still deep and terrible head pain, energy or gas, sensations of passing out and going under.I want this lawyer to actually help us. We demand action, now!