The double standard here is that these people have access to our targeting, they are watching us, reading our minds and watching our dreams...I would bet my life that they are. And yet, there have been lots of news articles that skirt the issue of mind control, nothing that comes out and outlines what they are seeing, what they are witnessing, but for applications that they can find that take hold in our every day world. We, are not the every day world...we are targeted individuals that are seen as being in a vacuum of time and space, being on hold, being kept in silence and ignorance for all of these years, because THEY, the media, cannot or will not bring forth the information we need to proceed in a lawsuit and to get out of our individuals tortures. How do they do it? How do they hold all the cards and then flippantly, and editorially write some sort of article about mind control that precludes them from any involvement? Not only do they play games with each other, to see who will go farthest in the reporting, but they play games with our lives, human beings waiting for a chance to be painfree. We call for a Radio Free and Media Free world. A world free from the stranglehold over the information that is so dire for so many people like us being Tortured Every Day of Our Lives. If anyone has an information about our targeting, they need to come forward immediately! They have an ethical, moral and fundamental obligation to offer us evidence and proof. My phone number is 563-659-2519. My cell phone number is 563-212-1133.Sheri Grutz
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