Prior signs of infiltration are reflected in the music of the early 1970's like "For What It's Worth" and "Ohio", idealistic people in school and on the streets realized that DC was operating in direct contrast to what they were taught in school (2 Kennedys assassinated, Watergate and the CIA plumbers, MK-Ultra, Cointel Pro, NSA surveillance, Vietnam) so they tried to notify DC that they were out of step with the constitution and with American ideals, and instead they ended up with "4 dead in Ohio" and serious government undercover infiltration on campuses all over the country.
Little did anyone realize that the protesting students were right and the government was wrong. Instead of citizens trying to fix a broken government, the government quashed the attempts at reform and we ended up with a government that ballooned out of control and fell victim to military and illuminati special interests.
The government ended up losing their ability to properly manage their budget because of all of these special interests that claimed they were acting in the "best interests of national security" ..... here we are $17 trillion dollars later, with extraordinary govermental controls, limitations on freedoms, and infiltration of society beyond anyone's wildest expectations, ballooning targeted watchlists upon which government agencies illegally practice their skills on and DARPA illegally experiments upon, and a NSA/DOD that surveills your every moment with cameras and sophisticated wiretapping technology.
Instead of using unsuspecting citizens to hone
their skills, these government agencies can use the CIA Farm, or Quantico, or the NSA complex with over 30,000 people there. That way it will be one agent role playing with other trained agents, rather than practicing on innocent civilians in targeted communities. Hollywood builds sets for their movies, why can't these agencies build sets and desert/jungle/city environments to train in?