
Tonight there was a documentary on Swedish TV about Julian Assange and the WikiLeak.

It was said that the newly released documents about the cases among the governments worldwide, is only the beginning!

It was also said that Sweden is one of the countries in the world, with the most open attitude regarding keeping information available for the public. (Now that I would have agreed on before this all happened to me,I don´t anymore, especially not after the released secret documents concerning the cooperation with the US and the disclosure of information about personal data regarding people)

So lets hope and see for what is to come. If we keep sending them mail, regarding this happening now, 2010, with all the secrecy among it, the unbelievable, illegal, inhuman and offensive sureveillance over innocent people worldwide. Maybe the eyes of the public can be opened.

Julian Assange said: "I hate when the rulers use their power in hurting innocent people, especially when there is absolutely no need for them doing it to these people, "

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  • The U.S released these documents to bring in more laws, Just like the bombed the twin towers and sent a MISSLE into the penatgon, Jesse Ventura proved that 100% on his show.

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