Words of a perp

Our schizophrenia.com board is recently being infiltrated with trolls, and my assumption now is that they are not only trolls, but perps. Here's a few of the exchanges:Hello, I was just wondering if you guys think that paranoia is normal? Everyone experiences it. You don't have to have a disease to have it. I have been battling with it SEVERELY, lately. I actually can't sleep right now because it's so bad. What am a I paranoid about? Well..............Did you guys ever feel like you're being made fun of and you are too sick to even realize it? For example: You post something on this site and then people reply back, some of them are really mocking you secretly with their words of sympathy? Also, when some people reply back with their own incidents, that they are really trying to tell you that your story is nothing special? Can you beleive that goes through my mind? Did you guys ever worry that there is a secret club amongst the people on this site? People who have given into thier sickness and love to be insane? Did you ever worry that these people believe in their dark voices and actually believe as well as worship the demons that haunt them? Wow, you all must think I'm really sick to even be parenoid of this kind of stuff.What if this club thingy was constantly intiating people from this site. What if their initiation was something like.....Who can tell the best story.......or who can give the most support......or who can get the most to view/reply to their message? Maybe even who could get the AAG to post something with their comments? I worry about how long this kind of thing has been going on.Anyway.....I have such a big headache from these paranoid thoughts. I know this is a serious site for those who are seriously in trouble. I mean, what kind of sick, disgusting bunch of people would turn against people with their own mental condition just to be accepted into something so dark and evil?MY KIND OF PEOPLE, THATS WHO! Check your emails peeps! Are you in? Only 6 of you didn't make it, but I think 4 dropped out. For the leftover 2, "If you, at first, don't succeed, try, try, again. Drinks on Mike! ( Sorry, no Crystal Pepsi.)Thank you Lady. I'm In! You haven't responded to my email, yet. Sorry, I know you're busy. ( I don't think they get it.) LOL Anyway, get back to me. Let me know what's up. Oh and smile! You're on Candid Camera! LOLThank you. You won't regret it.
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  • No, I haven't. I only read fiction.
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