The covid-19 deliberately manufactured pandemic was created for the purposes of achieving a totalitaritian world government power grab. Viruses are dead matter and are not contagious.
Dust sized receivers have been inhaled by most people throughout world. Subliminally transmitted messages are being transmitted to them via their smart phones which hinders their ability to think effectively. They are being remotely influenced to believe what is false.
A selection of individuals who are being overtly experimented on from a distance receive messages by means of the smart dust receivers inside their heads which are audible to them. The messages sometimes contain commands. If they disobey the commands it is possible for them to then experience pain, electric shock and other unwanted sensations which is enabled by the smart dust which has permeated their brains and bodies.
If you hear audible voice commands which come into your hearing range from the smart dust receivers which are embedded throughout your brain you will no longer be able to pray because each time you attempt to pray, those who transmit the voices inside your head will pour scorn on your prayers. However, even though I live a life which aligns with moral law and I love all human and other sentient beings I hate and detest all organised religions because they are highly immoral for the reason that they inculcate us when we are too young to defend ourselves from inculcation for the purposes of gaining money, power, status and control for themselves and for many other reasons. I also believe praying is self-programming and nothing more. We are surrounded by intelligent energy which some scientists call a morphogenic field or some others call ' the ether'. However, that intelligent energy is not manipulatable to swing things in your favour simply by flattering and worshiping it.
Government ministers have become inactive in our defence because the world financial system is effectively privately owned and controlled by those who wish to perpetrate the power grab and whenever government ministers act against the wishes of those international bankers and others, finances are manipulated to empoverish what ever country attempts to resist the bankers.
In order to extract ourselves from this situation we must first disempower the international bankers who are sometimes known as the self-proclaimed elite. We can do that by refusing to recognise their financial system and by initiating an alternative financial system throughout the whole world. We can begin that today. There are many world financial experts who could make this happen if they were supported by members of governments of all countries throughout the world. The international bankers would be arrested and detained for questioning by now if the worlds police were not under subliminal remote influence and if millions of people in positions of power had not been legally compromised through bad behaviour which was more than likely brought on through subliminal remote influence. I believe that the freemasons, the trilateral commission, the Bildergergers, the club of Rome, The Skull and Bones Society and many other powerful groups are all enslaved and if they attempt to leave their secretive groups they are murdered. What is to be done in order to set them free? It benefits nobody in the world to lock down the whole world in a rigid hierarchy of enslavement? Do you know of anyone who would ultimately benefit from such a situation and if you do who are they and how would they benefit?