Wot are the perps lying to our neighbours about?

I overheard my dwnstairs neighbour talkn to my neighbour who lives nxt door to me (because i liv in a block of flats) about complaining that she was getn pains in her head? Then the other neighbour sed "I told u so didnt i?". So bein a ti meslf. Im thinkn....Wot if the perps are targetin our neighbours (who are the closest people to us) for lets say a few days or so 1st???......because then i heard my neighbours sayn to each other "Try and sleep with youre head behind a piece of wood."... This leads me to believ that they dnt no nufn about electronic harassment? And the perps av called and knocked their doors and maybe sed to um "Are u experiencing pains in youre head etc? We kno who's doin this? & if u let us in. We can help you!"... Just a thought ti's??? I very much doubt its anyfn more serious than that. Because if the perps are lying to our neighbours about worse things. Surely we'd av the police around & knocking on our doors? ;-) . I dnt believ in the cia or fbi harassing me. Thats just bullshit! Wiv me, its boys wiv their toys!. Dickheads outside to wher i liv. Up & dwn all nyte in their cars matching the frequencied as im indoors messin wiv them playn all kinds of new sounds so their av2 match any new frequencies that they avnt matched already. Easy really, when you kno wot their up2!! Ha. To all ti's!!!. Wait til atleast 2/3am. Open youre door slightly. Then play a quick tone/sound frm a app u can get for ya phone. I like to mess wiv me perps by playn from a tone app 1hz-20000hz. Back & to for a few hrs. Me favourite is playn a sound of a fog horn at 2am when all is quiet. Then i sit & wait. Meeeeeowwww!!!. HaThere they go! It sounds like formula 1outside. Ha ;-)
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