It is very interesting to perceive, in a sort of extrapolated way,
how they want to lynch you now.
It is very interesting,
to see the inescrutable faces, that are taking for granted,
that all areas are covered, to lynch in you in XXI Century way.
It is very fortunate to see how the Gods of the Galaxies
Help you in a random way,
that is not random at all,
only that you cannot perceive well.
Beyond Tesla and Einstein, beyond Newton and Galileo, there was superior knowledge,
I cannot describe it well, it was designed to not be perceived completely by Us,
What can I say.
Beyond Southern Comfort, Beyond Western Comfort, There are other MINDS.
The Minds look at what is happening, they judge in their own ways, not in psychology style.
Psychology is not science, but rather a social consensus, MONEY is what is it is like.
Beyond the modern lynching, beyond modern corruption, there are other minds.
Minds that care about people, minds that care about love, that don't like tortured styles.
Maybe I got in trouble when I saw some pictures that described an horrible crime.
It is an order from them, to describe these issues, that can save human kind.
If you sleep and don't think, if you scream and attack, without thinking perhaps,
You should know that I was happy, in this country before, the Bad Guys attack.
They have attacked your behavior,
and your most inner feelings in a new style.
Since you were so kind and so hearted,
you could bearly perceive, that there was an attack
And you kept on your routine ,and they have made their point,
Your money is in their hands.
Then they give you some circus,
Some sort of guilty victims,
Some sports and some lies.
Life is like usual afterwards,
You go to your routines very happy,
There Billions in their hands.
And they have what they structured,
A new kind of lynching,
With techno and and some lies.
The Techno is so sophisticated,
And depends so much in color that you cannot guess what,
Poor people like knowledge, they like music and parties,
They cannot imagine that.
Some other guys in the darkness,
Look at them as pure rabitts ,
To experiment in life.
Poor people are given illusions,
And then face their destruction,
With a happy smile.
Think or die,
It is your option,
Message from the Galaxies,
Written By My Own Hands.
For some reason unknown,
They let me know about Tesla, Newton, Einstein
And the like.