You talked of your family. When you issue the order to torture innocent people and abuse your power, do you consider their families?
Here is Toronto Police formal report shared by the Government ( at the bottom of each page, the link address). I reported the use of Non-Lethal Weapons to Toronto Police after I consulted with my family doctor several times and after a series of medical check. From the highlighted statements, you can see how they conflicted with themselves.
1. “The Subject related what seemed to be a totally implausible situation.”
2. “The Subject appeared to be quite disturbed…”
3. “Subject but he had been to his doctor and had been told to move out.”
4. “He speculated that the rays might have been nuclear in nature.”
5. “He also supplied an information sheet on “Sound as a Weapon”.
Regarding item 1, the involved Toronto Police officer stated in my family doctor’s office after seeing my family doctor’s advice and judgment, as follows: “We really appreciate what he provided to us. And we think everything he reported is true. We work a lot than you think, even we are still working on it till now. Your neighbor is not the person who can commit this kind of crime. We didn’t find anything about it.”
Regarding item 2, please refer to their memo’s statement, “ Other than the rays, he seemed quite normal.” or,
Regarding items 3, their statement confirmed my family doctor’s advice and judgment. Regarding items 4,5, one is nuclear weapons and one is non lethal weapons. Any explanations is needed? In addition, as for my first report to 41 division of Toronto Police, Toronto Police refused to disclose and transfer after being asked.
USA,UK, and UN view Non Lethal Weapons as mass destruction weapons. However, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers have tortured me with these weapons and with almost everything they can about 10 years. With these 10 years, like other torture victims, I tried everything I could to get my normal life back. Even, I wanted to give up. But, these torturers never stop. Are these or those torturers so powerful? No, absolutely not. When all media and so many human rights organizations asked one Canadian torturer to step down, he said: “ Everyone can make mistake. I have a big family.” You talked of your family. When you issue the order to torture innocent people, do you consider their families?
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan or,
Regarding items 3, their statement confirmed my family doctor’s advice and judgment. Regarding items 4,5, one is nuclear weapons and one is non lethal weapons. Any explanations is needed? In addition, as for my first report to 41 division of Toronto Police, Toronto Police refused to disclose and transfer after being asked.
USA,UK, and UN view Non Lethal Weapons as mass destruction weapons. However, Toronto Police and Canadian torturers have tortured me with these weapons and with almost everything they can about 10 years. With these 10 years, like other torture victims, I tried everything I could to get my normal life back. Even, I wanted to give up. But, these torturers never stop. Are these or those torturers so powerful? No, absolutely not. When all media and so many human rights organizations asked one Canadian torturer to step down, he said: “ Everyone can make mistake. I have a big family.” You talked of your family. When you issue the order to torture innocent people, do you consider their families?
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan