!/profile.php?id=1260275566    and on youtube videos under tinker6900     

     my name is raymond taylor wamsutter wyoming wamsutter motel / sweet water county issues in carbon county rawlins    rocksprings and to natrona county casper   i got an shit load of hard corp evidance they cought in the act over and over see for your self    i pleed any for help under    court apeals and to     affidavides    court witness suppenas and to    civial  law procedurews i have been denied all rights    they wish me to not testifie agenst them in jarud loughner case as an witnes on his behalf     for knowlage i obtain there killing my family   gave mother an stroke    with microwave weapons and to tourcher me to death      there    weapons to built in merriors to knock you out  while driving      only cought on digitail camra   same with lazers   and invisible cavalar to look in windows get on roofs used flash at night all around homes and to low high areas homes buliding and to on you home all the way around it ,,,,,, with out side lights off the bloow up inlarge   pictures   on computer see up to 40 - 80 lasers at a time   energy weapons pulsating threw homes lazers on heads   electromagnetic weapons only seen on digitail and to video     microwave weapons 6x8 inches glow red orang ,,,,,,, and to or are like an pin sized   lazer   deep burns      storb light to will catch there reflections  easy to get on digital i use an4 . me to an 14 point meg    then zoom in be saprised find there safe net working offices used ,,,,  here they use the school cafiteria the roof the basment gic trailer court  by sallys and to behind the school cig court 135,000 doller campers they stay in highland and t o are all hp s and county deputs  feds thrugh out wyo and to the nation i have seen cought them all involved judges blackmaild and to or   self volintary involved in an nationail military an dto gov   mind control money profitiering market you e are there cattle / now im forced to possible shut down mothers motel , walk away from everything for there constiently dstroying my name lieing and to setting me up over and over not one thing on my record is real all were set up , for profit ,,,, all crimes in america basicly get back to them and to there tecknolage in one form or an nother    every gov funded  and or institution including family servies etc programs for the people are set up to devide the people seperat men and wemon and children giving them more aces to you them and to for money proffiting issues  takeing away the family structure man out of the lady lie while offering them the lady free houseing and food stamp pluss the boanious of childsupport all under the conditions that the man dose not live with the mother and child    taking away the voice and to the rights of al cilvil and constitutional humain and to humanity issues ,,,,,, no drugs would get in to the usa if they used the teck to stop it   but they are bringing it in     poising our kids teaching them about sex in kindergarder 1st 2nd 3 rd grad to get them curious and to experiment threw curiousity ,,, same goes with dare   all  set up to perprogram and to interduce issues to asn infients mind to spark that of curiousity     and they carry it from there all programs are set up for the people to fail again i request an congreationail hearing ,,,,,,, under all issues   and to aspeacial under implants by knocking one out   with electromag weapons rendering mind i hypnotic state trance like    to enter home copy keys still items mess with mind implant people etc  etc etc etc nationail    mindcontrol opperation that of indeed the time of the rapture ,,,,,time travil masted nearly  70 -80yrs ago ,     they are not aliens if anything fallen angels but more likely that of us in the future ,,,,,,,,,, and to genetic ingernearing , gen spliceing , cloaning altering inmplated specimums      to telepatic leavels like   the , on going telepatic universal soulduer of the futuer push in 2007       president clinton even spoke out agenst gov actions on this leavel only to say it was wrong and to he appoligised for it  but offer no soultion to stop end or prevent it all on youtube video   , now   i after   decades of tourcher and to gov experimentaion find i am one of the 10 % of people    that can some how defie  that of there ongoing oppisition to a point that i learn from them   fall sucker to it then god given some how awaken and after yrs mounths come to see what they have done for i  and to god given free will and to curiousioty come to question where im at what happend how i got there , whats real and to whats not     when they teach us in school ,   and to the oppisit of what we should know as well as keep rewritng our hystory books / so our children forget the past ,,,, fall victom to    all there ongoing mkl-ultra maind control and to influance   if they can alter ones emotions ,,,, by machine     there feelings and to perswade them to do thing an normail humain and to person would never do think of etc then there is indeed a problem ,     and humanity is lost  when they can minipulate that of the parinaormail and to make it look like your being hounted etc with teck   there is a problem   when they can alter your thoughts and to minipulate that of the word of god christ ,,,, and make you think that teck  and toman is and to can be god there is an problem ,,,, when they can put chips etc inside us all unknowing ly threw doctors and dentiest , or by knocking you out and to comein your home violate you hypnotise you    do as they wish with you there is a proble ,,,, when they take awy our write to think freely speak out freely , question   anothers word ,,,,,, that it may not be truth when they tell us it is and it dose not make sence there is a problem        in the bible it says over and to over  do not worship false idles ,,,,,, what is an idle ?    it is an marker    a sign an simble   and insterment of deception that mans law , etc says you must bow bown  honnor except as truth , honner respet serve , , that it represents an false god ,,,,,, no mater how big smale , like an golden idle ,         statue ,,,,,,, simble ,,,,,,,  tho shalt not worshep bow done to obay follow these thing for i am the loard god ,,,,,, and there is no othere befor me ,,,,,,,,, this befor christ time as moses deliverd the people from egept ,,,,,, to the lands of the people ,,,,,,,, and those how did when moseph came down from the top of the mtn and found them    with an golden idle and to claimed it god and to all the sins of man came forth beneth this idle   songs un to it , and to sexual pleasures , in groups ect ,,,, they were surly destroyed by that of god ,,,,,, after christ  and to his crusifiction    came forth the cross ,,,,,,,,, the cross is not an idle    but asn reminder of what christ went threw and to deliverd us from we do not worship it we where it in honnor  we do not serve it ,,,, we where it with in respect only    for christ    and to he devotion and sacrafices for man ,,, shale never be forgotten only  ,,,,,, we pray to him   god christ but we do not worship it or an statue ,,,,,   it has no ower or rain over us for christ resides with in us , and to states in the bible man shale never be able to look apone my face ,,,,,,,,,,why ?     for he resides with in us and to or hearts  the laws of god and to his words echo threw us as in spirit , and to morails , threw feelings and to emotions ,,,,,,, the knowing of what it truly right and to   wrong    we  feel it him in side us we cry and to hold remores and to sympyithy ,       we feel good for doing good thing   ,,, there is no regreat thout of impurity , with in the counshious ,,,,, it is purity of love shareing the gife of unselfishness and of hope and to prosperity , it is of all are as equeals and to we are to respect and to honnor that of each othere an not violate oneanother ,,,,,, only those with cold hearts and to empty soulls    that have lost the light and to have sould there souls ,,,,, can do these thing s with out care knowing it is wrong , but to care not , for they   are full of the 7 deadly sins of man which are and to remain and flurish with in the dark

 Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work .      

     the new day and to age of man   hightech perhaps but to we have lost our way and to forgotten of mother earth and to the ways of the old where things may be trying but to simple , and to gracefull ,,, and to a bound between man earth and the great spirit my  great great grand father said it write and to true ,  and to still to this day i cry aloud and to in the open when i read his words of wisdom honnor and to  that of god , in christain form     and to that of the great spirit, and mother earth in native form when christain brought school churches etc and tryed to teach that of god and to he say them all debate and to argue over that of god to question that of god my great great grand father Chief Joseph  of the nez pierce , native of the western states spoke forth we do not want to learn you words of god   for your argue and to quarl over that of god ,   and to what is the meaning ,,,,   we wish to not fight over and or argue over that of god   , for god to us is the great spirit ,,,,,,, he gives un to us as he sees fit of the earth and to the waters land and to life   you have many form and to words of god and to you arque over them   we do not wish to argue or fight or nore do we question that of the great spirit that resides with in everything , and to mother earth ,,,,,,,,,,,  that is not word for word but it is true and to they gave thanks to all things and to al creatures , not to violate take more than needed , and to respected that of all things in life for with in it resides that of the great spirit , in all forms of life and to earth an dto heavens above where our ansestors reside ,  these are thing we know and to we do not questions,   but give respect and toapperation un to ,,,,,,,, this is the way we wish to know god and to hommor the great spirit , where our ansesters reside ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, / again not for word for word but to it is on my page , he to inslaved and to imprisoned wrongfully , but he still spoke out unto the nations ,,,, for all to here his crys and to his knowlage and to wisdom ,,,,,,, tell me have we forgotten our way ,,,,, have we lost sight of the true meaning of life   

    i raymond taylor  in wamsuter wyoming   now more than ever , fearth that of and to for my family safty and to what will come for knowlage i to posses    and to have tryed to share ,  we are indeed all beeing tourcherd here in wamsutter wayoming   by that of our state and to false claimes ,    brought befor us as we struggle my self  my to be wife  Rhonda lambert taylor , my mother Arlena taylor , whom sufferd an stroke again juge states gove is useing to secret military weapons on us an dothere citicens and to tho they are shreading apart that of our life i   we can not go anwhere with out concern or fear with in our heart , to be tarrgeted to be knocked out  while driveing even short distances ,,, all cought an d to on my face book page that per haps one day this may end and to be held accountible     freedom of speakh we seem to no longer have and to , are punnished for ,,,,,,, we fear going to town that they may bare false witness upon us agen as they have time and to time again / just to destroy my chearictor   when we live so far away and to our life is here and to when we go to town we are seen and to followed herassed , and to followed by that  of evern air drons seen high in the sky , that all know we just go to town do as we need to tend to bills  food  doctors    excessories,  that we hardly even see friends or family for our time is full here and to our hands are tied ,, mother with a stroke parilised left side going to bathroom when hone every 5-10 -15 minets    a gallon and half of water flushed threw her , in 4 hrs , this is not normail but if we get away from here and to go to town even if gone for up to 7 hrs    she has only gone 2 times in 7 hrs  ,,,,,, for not so many weapons lay apone us from our neighbors or   from the schoo or the roof   or under ground ,,,,,     that this surly show an issues and to when ever i try to defind my self in court ,  even with an witness or 3 , in and to out ,,,,,,,,,or even sitting at home with out even going to town   again false claims stack and to are held agenst us as tho a group there and to there words are more valued honnord excepted than ours when we all to geather ,,,,, for protection and to safty have witnesses and yet our word not found worthy that we now forced out of town and to surely as i speek out know    ,    i we    fear and to beleave even with out effort , or desire or intent again these things will take place becuse i have knowlage and to documents and to pictures of crimes being commited agenst us that for sure tho they have tryed to steal them and to have many times before invading our homes  voults etc   computers and to reorders camras etc ,,,,,,,, that do to the fact some are posted on face book and to i speek out for the people all people with in mans writes etc , they knowing they can never find or retrive all this evidance i have  of them they mover there officers and to my asalents around and to out  transferd and to replaced , to try and make you think things have changed and to or shale be diffrent when they still remain the same that     i only have desires to protect that what is left of my mothers best intrest , and to her life that she not live or be put in an old focks home where she surly would die  rot   wilt away that indeed i and rhonda are the only ones here to care for her and to will with our hearts and to try to protect her interst and to property that is constiently being destroyed stolen broken vandilised , and to with weapons on uus all the time here she need s our attention every 5-10-15 minets makeing it hardf and to almost impossible for us to maint tain her motel and to  care for her and to tent to things in our lives as well ,,,,,,,,,,, that this be allintentianail by man and to teck ,,,,,,,,,,, as they tourcher me 24/7 weith these weapons by body i keep calling it in and to keep pointing out where our asalents are and to no one comes to our ade and those who have and to    have witnessed these things as well as have experenced these things and to tourcherd that they to be afrade to be around here long ,,,,,,,,, worst tho they know if they violate me knowing id never jeperdise my familys life nore anothers     thousands would testife in  this fact    not an question   but a fact ,,,,,,,,,,,,, when they know have time hanging over my head for false witnesses and to there word greater than ours for / we have knowlage and to have identified our asalents /      that they shrly will try again tobare false witnesses agenst us in one form or another ,,,,, and toknowing if this is to take place my mother shurly dies and to gose to old focke home stealing her property   from her making her sign it over to them and to that it dose flurish and to is worth lots aspeacial when an new power plant is comming in and to reservation      and to up to 2000people are comming here to work this summer for an 5 yr projet ,,, that the value and to its worth now quad dripples / so to take me away the center stone shurles stills and to killl   my family and to destroys not one life of mine but that of 4 lives   in an smal town ,,,where she has been  sence 84-86    and to my lady and to son   and to mom become homeless with no one to defend  ,,,, even now on recordings they plot ouut loud ,,,,,,,,, threw the tub drain we forced to lissento    24/7 havd to have for yrs that all my recording  show plots and to / deception / deciet and to death and destruction agenst me and to all my loved ones here        so i record all calls to cops and to city deptys now and to i shale call be for going to town and to ask for eskorts to and to from that they not bare false witness agenst us again  ,   and tothat there is record of everything ,       hopefully for protection from these calims and to asults tho no one lissesns and to    tho seen no one comes to our ade    tho  they know where we are at ,,,,,,, yesterday i wrote an letter to my self and to rhonda on my computer and to mailed it to our selfs just in reflections but not to be posted and to they have surly vanished from our  computer emails    when they were 3-4 last night i wrote 3 days ago about this   but i wished not to post it them and to know they are gone computersd hacked again    they to have pictures from my phone they plot on useing that  i have sent to my lady mounths yrs ago that there is no naked pictures on my phone    they deleated long ago so kids would not see   and to or find if grand kids or otheres were to use our phones by request ,,,,,,,,,, yet on recorder even know they speek of    having them and to useing  them agesnt me us ,,,, for there fear the truth and to the facts ,,,,,,,,, that they surly will try to use them agenst me to defile me only our goverment like the judge admitted can do these things and to has this tecknolage to do as well as use agenst us    or for there self gain this   frightens me and to us all ,,,,,    showing we have no privace and to there is no justic and to more violations accusations surley to come ,        again  sitting ducks for they fear that i may be called out by the people and to or asked to speak out again ,,  to edducate or to help  them understand what they go threw now , trying to maintian there sanity    for i fully aware and to have all of there goverment  documents i to took to court and presented to the judge ,,,,,, and to he for these reasons did ad mit the gove is useing topsecret military weapons agesnt us this includes that of satalight phone hacking e mail hacking like all the emails i send out to eople of importance that can help us     they never recive   and to come back as   postmaster failed when indeed    wright address /// the same goes for the phones they hope to remove me still and to destroy all of our lives here and to know ,,,,,,,, so that they may try and to steal the othere evidance think think i might have of them or there activities like all the 6 dvds  i presented to the courts   3 videos , and files and to pictures of there own vanish ,,,,,,, giving proff to my claims , tell me   dose my family and to our lives end here and to know   ,,,,,,,,,,,,, for they live in fear and to or concern    that we have no rights tha i am going to try to appell all the courts ,,,,,,, to they know this i spoke out in the courts ,,,,,,i was going to ,,,,,,,,, denied dew proces and to lied to them when i asked if i may supena witnesses they said  know to each even an lawyer ,,,,, when know i learnd that    indeed they had the paper work for all of this  and to i was denied it by the clerks like i was denied that of all my eveidance i truned in long ago   that to was creditible       and to wouuld   shock blow away your minds to see to know truth    as it is    not as they wish you to precieve it but      as it is in there own hand writeing and to from there yrs of proffecting such elebrat skeems ,    deception is there game and to twisted toungs , and false witnesses , etc ,,,,,,,, who can beet that , when they say they are of the all mighty / and to that there word is law as tho as of like gods its self when in our herat   etc we know diffrent but otheres know nothing   see only what and to how they wish to  present it that this has been the white mans way sence they came to these lands  and to took for my forathers and toancestors again by befriending and then by deceptions and then by twisted toungs and then they take back all and to keep for them selves again ,,,,,,,,,tell me   where do we statnd   i have friends acrost the nation trying to find my family safe haven   santuary ,,,,,, acrost the nations far from her to or another country if possible    willing to walk away from all that we have and to leave all behind ,,,,, for we fear and to know     what is to come from there actions and to    there concerns for thems selves and to not of us    that they will not let us go   or to leave      in peace and to or in grace ,,,,,,,, but destroyed be for we even have a chance to go    live   find refruge else where ,,,,,,,,,,,    they fear what is already public imformation and to in hundreads of millions of hands    tell me are we all to be sacraficed for we are knowlageble in publice records ,,that we must surly die that they    may live and to be strong    or decitefull and to maintain there ways ,,,,,,,, if so then we are alll ready dead and to just awaiting there arivel ,,,,,,,,,, fearing all is lost allready ,,,,,,,,,, why did they just not shoot us and take it all from us and to ride us all fast ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, insted of prolonged games and to tourcher and to suffering death surely going on ,,,,,,,,,,and to seemingly ineddible that if our nation and to leaders were so , honnorable        and to gracefullll         then indee theyed lets us just leave and to give no more fales witnesses agenst us nore tourcher us with the      passing of time as the seasonson slowy pass and to we cry out in pain and aginey from there weapons ,,,,, and to torment ,,,,,, so they can make all look good on there side like indeed   i we   are going to do something wrong when indeed who would rish so much when    it is not the property money  etc that means so much to us   just us as an family knowing i can be here for my mother wife to be and to son animails etc    we need want desire nothing eles from this nation  or even another person othere than just to give us free passage  that we may go and to leave if needed  in peace   do not killl or destroy our lives let us walk away when we can   and to able ,,,, do not kill us      we will leave this land like my ansestors were forced to  long ago but again were not allowed even then to leave to seek refuge in cananda etc        are they to repeat   that of wrongs in the past agenst our people and to my family          that indeed they shale come   and not let us go in peace ,,, or stay togeather like in the past   that all again forced apart and to suffer ounce again      sadly  i fear this to be true ,  and to shale   take place ,,,,,,, pride with in it they do seem to take ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so my heart bleeds ,,,,,,,,,,,, and i fear for my wife to be      and i fear   for her son,,,,     and even more so for my mother helpless as she is    that she we   shale surly die / as they split us all apart / insted of letting us go in peace / there actions to come shale show you there hearts and to there way ,,,,,,,,,,, and to a bulet would be somuch quicker and to painless ,,,  aaspeacialy knowing    feeling the losses of hope with in my heart hear and know ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, do to my words i speek ,,,,and to the secrets they wish to keep but are known by millions if not hundreads of millions with in our nation ,,,, here and now i bow down my head and to i ask of my father and to the great spirt  , and of our great ansestors please with in the ename and to  the hearts of man kind if there ever was that of honnor   and to good with in there intentions for us all and to that of my family as well as the people by there actions and to there secrets if christ doses reside with them anywhere      that here and to know   let him come forth and to spare us all of this   that we may know    thaat the great spirit still doses reside with in us all even if hidden fom the face of man   let it be seen now       with in that of there actions      and    show us that the great spirit   loard god   still live on and to with in the hearts of man that we may be set free and to alowed to   go with out care or concern show the people  by granting us safe passge   and to time  and to or let us just be and to live , stay as one that my mother lives good , after all she has been threw and to that we all may breath in and to smile ounce again and to feel the great spirit of god scour threw our hearts with rejoice and to knowing all shale be ok     ride this darkness ,,,,,,,, that you have palced with in side us   ,, the fear and to concern that we ,,,,,,,, shale never live to see that day come ,,,,,, when it is all we seek , wish , and to ask of our great nation born abd to bread  of this land and to your brothers and to sisters ,,,,,, show us   that honnor and to feelings of compation love still lives on with in the hearts of man we ask no more of the / we are not your enimey as tho one of you have called us ,,,,,,,,,,,,we are thatt of your people  and to denie you not ,,,,,,,, great and mighty powerfull surley you all are ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,proven again and to again ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but with in god   and to the great spirit / lieys  that of humainty / and to an equeal given right  to come an d to go with safe passage and to the right to leave / he say we are not to fear that of man demond or beast / for he is with us all / god, let him shine threw apone this day and to apone my family / we ask nothing more/of anyone or anything / othere  than that to which god / the great spirit has given to us all / freedom and to liberty / the right to live in peace / and to as one / with all things / land, animais earth  / the air / to breath and to that of fellow man /  is this / to much for any man woman child to ask / when god / the great spirt / truley has given it gratiously to us all / ,,, to drink of the waters of life / to walk as equeals / amoungst they and to with out quearl    and if there is / to be / thought with in this / reflect back to the past rember that of our hystor /and to of all our people great and to smale / forget not that towhich we were as we were born into this life , and to grew to laught love aprecate repsect / honnor with in all things / for this is where the great spirits is and to is strongest / in each of us / our hearts  and to souls   our true link to life  and the love betwent brothers / sisters mothers and to fathers/  let us not forget that / we all come from one father / one mother/  no mater the direction we all may have traveled / or devided / we are all of the same and to of or great father / and if there has been wrongs  with in the past let us rember it is our responsibility / to look for that of salvation with in the eyes of all things and to makind / that all the mistakes and to paths of the past from that of learning and to suffering  our scars are all of the same and to are our wounds / that it is up to us all with in the name of our father / to ake this a better place  for us all with in life and to harmin / peace / and to life / that the future is ours to mold  for the best intrest of all man kind / that no man woman child maother father should have to suffer / or be forgoten destroy nothing but heal everything with in the name of all our people and to the father spirit and to of the hole of man kind , let us not for get whom we are and to the greatness god gave unto us / that indeed with in us all he dose reside / and indeed it is up to us to look deep inside to find him / and to honnor not only him but that of all great things from mother earth to that of our people / let the great spirit / father of    us all be awakend and to shine threw us all  with in our hearts / and to actions / that he truly did bless us all / denie him not / forget him not / open ones heart / mind spirit / soul / and embrace  that we are all of the same and indeed he dose shine threw us all if ones herat is not hardend / then he truely lives on  ,   and to peace  and harminy life  and to his great gifts belong to us all / as he resides with in us all and to all things great and to small ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, embrace me as an brother / for you are that of mine / blessed be all     our tiers are that of the rivers and  over time have formerd that of the oceans and to seas / there is enought for all / we need not shed no more tires / for there has been plenty already ........and pleanty for all                   raymond taylor             1-30-12   3:34 am     

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