Your smart phone emits a signal which activates the nano technology inside your body and you fall to the ground while spasming violently. If you are able to move away from all digital technology the spasming may lessen. The real and only reason to mandate you to take a so-called vaccine is to innoculate you with graphene oxide, parasites and nano technology. You can lessen or eliminate all of those vaccine contents from your body by taking any oxidizing agent such as ozonated water, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, black oxygen or dimethylsulfoxide which is also known as D.M.S.O. You can also eliminate it in other ways. Some people have suggested taking Borax or Ivermectin. An online expert known as Tony Pantaleresco whose website is called has invented a simple nano technology nullification device which can be made at home by those with a basic knowledge of electricity. Tony Pantaleresco can also be found on youtube explaining how to make his device. It can take up to six months of continually taking an oxidizing agent before you become no longer impacted by frequencies. However, the evil men who wish to enslave us by means of frequency weapon control are attempting to make us receive more nano technology into our bodies and brains every six months by means of booster vaccinations. Many of them are unable to think clearly due to manipulation of nano technology in their brains.
Many people are calling to have all transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned urgently. For further information about this topic please watch the following online video WATCH VACCINE NANO BOTS KILL AFTER BEING ACTIVATED BY A CELL PHONE (