Dean Roger Ray's Posts (2)

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RCMP last remants of the confederate army ! last remants of the confederate army ! early part of Macdonald’s second term was marked by the construction of the CPR. During this time he was faced with a lack of funding for the railway, and a Métis uprising in 1885. After using the CPR to quickly transfer troops to the troubled area, ending the rebellion, he was able to justify further government funding for the railway’s completion. The arrest and execution of Louis Riel as a result of this rebellion caused Macdonald to lose political ground with both French Catholics and English Protestants. He also faced difficulties with the Manitoba Schools Question, a problem eventually decided by the courts.Macdonald’s final years in power were marked by ill health, and the loss of colleagues through illness or death. He was able to win the general election of 1891, and had the honour of introducing his son Hugh, elected as a member for the first time, to the House of Commons. However, Macdonald would not live long enough to witness his son’s political performance, dying soon after the opening of Parliament.This puff pastry article is what the common people seeThe confederate soldier represented the south in the civil war they were called slavers intensely racist. Albert Pike a known freemason set up the KKK to ensure no blackman rises to power. The secret society the freemasons are the building blocks of an organization called the Iluminati. secret societies are responsible for a lot of attrocities and with the power of the media they can make even a president dissapear need to go deep down into every community and look at the foundation and make sure all citizens understand who is hired to protect us from evil acts. Every country is infected with freemasonry. During the civil war it was russia who came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln creating a blockade paid dearly for backing Lincoln the freemason created a revolution and had the tsar and his family killed. The bankers then took over russia with the freemason running the KGB. was the people of these counties played for fools during the cold war. communist china is only another stronghold of the freemasonsecret society empire. Triad-Freemasonry Connection = Li & Merovingian BloodlinesThe Triads, the criminal-secret society organization I work for is known for its notoriety and obnoxious as well as seductive if not perverted tricks into getting even the Freemasons and the Green Dragon Society under its umbrella of influence. The Triads, like any other criminal organization in the world of organized crime has connections with two major forces that tie the link between Asia and America; as well as their respective hidden, invisible leaderships together and connects the dots of the Illuminati and its powerful cabal of Elitists and Bureacrats.The Triads are, in a word, tied in line with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds over claims in Africa and the Pacific Ocean as well as the Asia Mainland interests: mostly Myanmar, or Burma, India, Pakistan, Russia, and Britain. The Triads also have a major influence over gang violence in North America - especially the East and West gangster organizations: Blood and Crips. The Rockefelllers and the Rothschilds, founders of the International Criminal Court as well as its polar opposite the Van Helsen Criminal Mafia organization works intricately and intimately with the Triads, and it was they who was able to lobby in Chinese political office for the first Masonic lodge in north-western China in 1879. With the settling of the Chinese Freemasonry network as well as the Van Helsen Criminal Mafia, Rockefeller and Rothschild were able to instigate the Triads and their leader - the Lis connected themselves with the biggest and most wealthiest men in the world - the founders of Standard Oil, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve in America. I am not going to say I told you so when the vicious bankers are handing out dog tags and telling us we can not buy and sell without them. We do have a cure to this night mare. will only work if we can get past the phoney groups and mind conditioning on the freemason owned internet... If we fail to wake up the people we might not live through this depression! Lincoln and John F. KennedyTwo great presidents of the United States Assassinated for the cause of justicefrançaisby Melvin SicklerNovember 22, 2003 marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and a majority of Americans still believe that there was a conspiracy behind this assassination. Both Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated while they held the high office of President of the United States. Both of these former presidents had also created their own money system to run the United States while they were in office. Is this just a coincidence?Why assassinate a President? Why must everything be kept so covered up? What are they trying to hide from the American people? The facts will speak for themselves.Abraham LincolnDuring the Civil War (1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and went away greatly distressed, for he was a man of principle and would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back.Eventually President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point he wrote:“... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...”The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them “Greenbacks”.Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for war.Shortly after that happened, “The London Times” printed the following: “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all coun­tries will go to North America. That govern­ment must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing, I repeat, the only thing that is a threat to their power is sovereign govern­ments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money. They know it would break the power of the international Bankers.In retaliationAfter this was published in "The London Times", the British Government, which was controlled by the London and other European Bankers, moved to support the Confederate South, hoping to defeat Lincoln and the Union, and destroy this government which they said had to be destroyed.They were stopped by two things. First, Lincoln knew the British people, and he knew that Britain would not support slavery, so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slavery in the United States was abolished. At this point, the London Bankers could not openly support the Confederacy because the British people simply would not stand for their country supporting slavery.Second, the Czar of Russia sent a portion of the Russian navy to the United States with orders that its admiral would operate under the command of Abraham Lincoln. These ships of the Russian navy then became a threat to the ships of the British navy which had intended to break the blockade and help the South.The North won the War, and the Union was preserved. America remained as one nation.Of course, the Bankers were not going to give in that easy, for they were determined to put an end to Lincoln's interest-free, debt-free Greenbacks. He was assassinated by an agent of the Bankers shortly after the War ended.Thereafter, Congress revoked the Green­back Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned and the national bank notes they issued were to be interest bearing. The Act also provided that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation as soon as they came back to the Treasury in payment of taxes.In 1972, the United States Treasury Department was asked to compute the amount of interest that would have been paid if that 400 million dollars would have been borrowed at interest instead of being issued by Abraham Lincoln. They did some computations, and a few weeks later, the United States Treasury Department said the United States Government saved 4 billion dollars in interest because Lincoln had created his own money. So you can about imagine how much the Government has paid and how much we owe solely on the basis of interest.The Federal Reserve ActThere were changes in the money and banking laws for the next fifty years. Finally, in 1913, the Bankers were able to get their Federal Reserve Act passed through Congress which replaced the National Banking Act that had earlier replaced the Greenback Law. If the Government would have continued the policy of Abraham Lincoln, the warnings given in “The London Times” would have come to pass. America would be a debt-free nation, the most prosperous in the world. And the brains and the wealth of the world would have come to America.But with this Federal Reserve Act being passed, Congress gave up Its power to create its own money that it was given in the United States Constitution, and gave this power over to private Bankers who called themselves the Federal Reserve. The Bankers had achieved their ultimate goal, for now the United States operated under a central bank that was privately owned. They now had the power to run the country by controlling the creation of the money, and were free to charge the interest they so desired.As Mayer Anselm Rothschild once said: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws...”John F. KennedyNo United States president since Abraham Lincoln dared to go against the system and create his own money, as many of these so-called elected presidents were actually only instruments or puppets of the Bankers. That is until President John F. Kennedy came into office.President Kennedy was not afraid to “buck the system”, for he understood how the Federal Reserve System was being used to destroy the United States. As a just and honorable man, he could not tolerate such a system, for it smelled corruption from A to Z. Certainly he must have known about the Greenbacks which Abraham Lincoln created when he was in office.On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Exec­utive Order 11110, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an Interest and debt-free money. He had printed United States Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve.Our records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. It was perfect­ly obvious that Kennedy was out to under­mine the Federal Reserve System of the United States.But it was only a few months later, In November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy's assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did — not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. For surely, President Kennedy must have had It in mind to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return back to the United States Congress the power to create its own money.It is interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes, which Kennedy had issued, were called out of circulation. Was this through an executive order of the newly installed president, Lyndon B. Johnson? Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers? Or was he one of their instruments? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people.A lesson to learnThere is much that can be learned from our past history. Here we are in 2003, and the United States is still operating under the Federal Reserve System. It has already plunged this country over six trillion dollars into debt – Federal debt, (the total debt, including that of individuals and corporations, is over 20 trillion) a debt it will never be able to pay, and has been responsible for every kind corruption imaginable. Yet, barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American people.All the Bankers have to do to keep their power is to get rid of the few politicians who are honestly working for a reform in our economic system, and the people at large remain ignorant and controlled. It is obvious the American people need to be awakened to the truth.The population at large must be educated on the Federal Reserve, and then unite together to put pressure on the Government to get the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 repealed. Otherwise, it will spell disaster for the United States.There can be no peace without justice, and there can be no justice without a reform in our economic system, for the financiers are behind all the corruption in our Govern­ment.Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy both had the courage to stand up for principles and to fight for justice. They have both gone down in history as being true patriots of the United States. But do we, as citizens, have the courage to follow their example?Melvin SicklerThis article was published in the Oct.-Nov.-December, 2003 issue of “Michael”.
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眼睛宽关闭了 我未曾想是这样大崇拜的敌人,但是,如果您被看见什么我发现了关于他们。 有在用餐与尸体的精神上聪明的照片纳粹战犯被撒布在兵连祸结的乡下附近。 因为证据在您前面,被计划连接更明显,很每天。 在称alt.freemasonry互济会会员的小组受有加拿大养老金计划资助的Carlyle小组支持的小组的保护。 相信我的我的兄弟支持我,但是就是不可能做什么关于不原谅人的不退让的竞选从被资助停止antimasons。 现在得到工作是很容易的,因为那是什么我成为善于然后骚扰开始。 我的参考把吓跑的和对潜在的工作的扰乱的电话我要求自己每天相当它价值然后纳粹晚餐的照片和我再充满活力推挤。 名单是小的只有一些人直接地面对了互济会会员。 因此我亚历克斯・琼斯为什么没有顶面斑点为什么是他为什么准许通过寡头政治拥有的媒介到达您设法奴役我们。 名叫威廉摩根上尉的一个人很久以前丢失了他凉快,并且不可能陪互济会会员一起去和打开他们。 起初材料是在晚餐和光谈话的一次交谈,如我们现在做着另一方面,但是他们杀害了他。 他们跟随了血液誓言的礼节威胁与纳粹精确度挂上了他的内脏象a,您得到图片的井。 事件导致了在互济会会员之中的关心突然誓言是一个真正的威胁和不仅联谊会胡闹。 好人开始发现奇怪的仪式有意思和运载一则不原谅人的消息对社会。 Antimason救助组成象您的人,并且体会的我我们不可能容忍谎言和腐败。 Antimason党出生并且开始了反叛反对原始的KKK是互济会会员的奴隶制。 antimason党很快失去了支持,当事为小规模改善了,并且以后变成辉格党跟随英国的大变动和这次一人告诉的Honest Abe (Abraham Lincoln)在1776年承担了互济会会员或他们的更大的名字一位阴险的人天主教教士开始的Iluminati。 阴险的人从西班牙侦查、在小数字从前将投入的和烧伤开始了今天相连由狂热懦夫链子容易地把吓跑强横火想法。 互济会会员是执法,并且现在誓言他们采取运载严重后果的一些是未接到通知的。 在加拿大,因为互济会会员政客命名Diefenbaker窃取了我们的称Avro箭头的喷气式歼击机然后买回破烂物替换它,某些勇敢的人民承担了Iluminati。 什么看了给多数人民,如一个愚蠢的错误是巩固远离加拿大的力量和集中美国的Iluminati成为北美洲联合。 然后他们播放欧盟反对我们对一次最后的胜利并且庆祝一世界政府声音平安…正确? 他们使足够的控制人民获得开始是执行我们的最后一次称那西班牙侦查。 它不是被执行它是聪明的,人们足够关心还击和冒险告诉异端者的傻瓜。 查寻“罗杰・ Ray”教务长我的争斗在那里为了大家能看见的copernic搜索引擎的。 我由我现在居住与家庭成员的Kingman亚伯大需要您的电话、电子邮件或者下落。 1-780-679-2467 把46 Kingman亚伯大互济会会员曾经伪造假装的电话是我的上司告诉我的t0b2m0装箱我被解雇了,并且,当我放弃了工作我无意地放弃了我有的最佳的工作。 我的天工作在重的设备开掘的地下室运作并且运作与很多人民。 我您管帐户在teslacoils2001之下显示他们投掷了我丧失工作并且扰乱了我在房子和家外面的他们的一些潜随猎物者和方式。 我是缺乏信心的,如果我是对世界新秩序的最不得人心的抵抗或他们阻拦设法接近我的大多数人民。 我的伯父丹尼斯设法送我电子邮件,并且它未曾到达对我的帐户。 有详述接收加拿大岗位的政府我后发现的安德鲁・称的Covert词条书Metrovika高级间谍被委与了电话公司安全(Telus)的重任。 我的伯母Shirley跟随了最尖端大卫的海湾和未惊奇看什么我发现了。 我感觉安全在她的地方留下我的膝上型计算机,但是它不是一个好想法。 我不知道我的表兄弟伯母Shirleys Daughter接近了在我的猜测是她告诉的西部埃德蒙顿购物中心我是一个坏人由警察要,并且她需要为他们工作。 多么她被卖背叛她的母亲我她然后做了什么他们想要。 他们有我的膝上型计算机,并且掩盖为gangstalking的www.stopcovertwar.com的警察删掉的重要录音我的表兄弟然后谈了话入离开家,并且她做只告诉计划接收她的父母在家和与她的怪异男朋友居住那里。 他以后强奸了她,并且做的可鄙的事和介入gangstalking某人可能上缴他,并且那法案显示…您能通过告诉我的伯母现在核实此(1-780-651-2317) 我家相信我我做了研究,但是我怎么告诉他们您是在我和很多其他好人之后。 www.stopcovertwar.com是证明一个好的站点gangstalking存在,但是他们提升首页的互济会会员法官当然,并且试图的电话从未通过。 现在互济会会员承认了我作为antimason并且有atleast写了这建议关于我的一个小书籍说明a由一个非常狡猾敌人知道战略或新的移动。 现在我更多需要a知道收入来源一个新的工作上司不可能妥协和极端热心的地方我的工作,好象我安排火被点燃在我之下,并且我做。 您那么现在看了我的履历和我的联络信息…. 我的计划是简单的我想要在字符的诽谤的互济会会员以后去和试图投入他们在试验。 我需要能对飞行物一整个镇(Camrose亚伯大)有我的意图的。 在这次试验之内我可以引起什么在是骄傲的antimason的亚伯大被忘记(威廉ABERHART)历史。 二次主要竞选在一个月(一发生美国和加拿大),因此大家是开放的对政治,并且,如果他们学会多少欺骗史蒂文竖琴师可能是一天他们将学会他怎么渗入了改革党去除了领导并且要求党和变成它保守主义者(Val Meredith的少数报告)。 然后,一旦我退出了互济会会员在我的家乡外面我将质询共济会的信息(美国)并且送他们包装或躲开。 请是否还想象您架线了二十美元(送到CAMROSE亚伯大)然后告诉了关于我的二十人,并且他们做了同样。 二十美元和世界成为您的孩子的一个更好的地方。 我的兄弟会感谢您提供他叫醒的安心,当他注意称V的一部电影深仇并且体会什么我一直做着。 (我没有在电影的字符有我不可能隐瞒我的从政府的计划能任何时候暗中侦察任何地方没有失察)的好处他牺牲很多采取我和受麻烦,并且您应该体会我不可能立刻送他们上法庭,直到我由一个恼怒的社区支持,并且泥工计算仅一个公平的法庭判决将放松紧张。 世界新秩序执行了许多暴行和从掩藏我现在改变了他们的策略到开放向我挑战。 请做研究并且叫醒其他并且帮助我中断他们。 我许诺全心全意地尊敬我新雇主(您) 911室内工作!!! ..... 敬上罗杰・ Ray教务长 AKA teslacoils2001 ANTIMASON
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