Look, when you start hearing crazy shit... remember that certain kind of things that occur at your sourroundings, might affect what you hear. At first place, try not to loose consiousness, suddenly in a chick chack you could be dressed as Peter Pan, or some crazy shit and go "to the woods".
Now.... Just remember that the mind, has 2 kind of muscle or way to concretate your attention or somehow apply your energy, that are "scrying" and "gazing", sometimes, you could be victim of some satanic ritual abuse of some local gangs, or targeted by some "INTIMATE ENEMY", I mean, maybe the people and person you even know, probably your own folks. There's certain shit that in third world countries, (and even, the cutest place on earth), that happends, suddenly you are in a Bar, and some Witch, with a special pen like MI, movies, suddenly, throws you certain liquid, that will fuck your mind, could be some herbal potion, could be some human rest, sacrifice, something with magnetic gathering properties that maybe that wrong energy could harm your mind, your sacred energy of peace.
Look..... under my opnion.... "You could be passing trough anything"
As you know... The things, "Logically to our current technology realm" is that "Cops" could have some technology to fuck other peoples mind, that are abusing of certain things, that their own mind is perceiving as enemies.
So My main recommendation, is that you go to certain places of society, places of common consence, that can help you somehow in determining that yes, maybe you are demmarcating into certain kind of individual that is passing of thing matter.
So, before you are saying crazy shit, you must go and hear some proffesional advice of this things....
Because, look. Everybody thinks that you are crazy.... and between you are an innocent crazy and that you are a "Great Motherfucker" is what we don't know, and believe me something. "NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW"....
So.... go and fool other stupids.... other innocents.... because maybe and the largest amount of this individuals inscribed in this Blog, could be some "Regreted Motherfuckers".
And I dont care about, I wish you the best luck in the world.... hopefully you reunite enough balls, to face your own destination... as sooner or later everyone will.... please use your criteria, and have peaceful life... theres many special kind of Marihuanas... than can help and enhace you to a better ambiance and happiness.... certain relaxation therapies.... try to a attach into justice and its cooperating making small acts of what your "hurted and damaged mind" could think as a "repare of your damages", and maybe.... thats the best therapy you could find....
Try to be better, with the world, that under "Your own account". is "not as you recieved it initially...." So try to be happy....
Because if "You are a nigroe folk..... and you mess with the wrong... people....." You know the story of "The Penguin and the Clowns...." so better for you keeps as "A Cute and Innocent Story"....
Goodbye my bitches... and remember.... "You don't shit, on where you eat...."
Be careful what you wish....