J M Nicholson's Posts (3)

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Ashes to ashes, smart dust to smart dust.

Smart dust is one of the most horrendous technologies used by the perpetrators, if not the most horrendous. I initially had it sprayed on items of furniture by AI in areas not easily noticed such as the undersides of tables and the backs of cupboards. That was no more than a nuisance. Then it was taken to a new level when a corrupt endoscopist permitted access to the perpetrators to inflict some real damage. Whilst under sedation during insertion of the endoscope, they performed some particularly sinister interventions within the nasal cavity and sinus to enable concentrated smart dust assaults to take place. When the assaults began, I was unable to fathom things out. The message of the biblical quote - dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return, seemed clearer than ever. Then as I eventually got my thoughts together, it became obvious it stemmed from yet more corruption within the medical establishment. For three years now, I have had smart dust particles and granules fired up the nostrils from electrical installations within the home. Then smart motes take over when out in the open. These are so light they can be suspended within the environment and set up to fire from various parts of the infrastructure. One of Julian Assange's last comments before he was silenced was "smart dust is coming and it's evil". Well, that was if anything understated. Smart dust to smart dust particle to particle is not exaggerated either. This is one of the modes of travel it takes to the various orifices around the top of the body – the eyes, nostrils and ears are particularly vulnerable where smart dust creates stepping stones so to speak to enable it to hop, step and jump kind of thing en route to its programmed destination. All made possible by a corrupt endoscopist. The smart granule in the photograph was my single worst experience with this demon of demons. It was an absolute bullseye shot which went right through the nostril and had me doubled up in pain until I eventually spat it out. The other image of my partially battered and bruised face shows several smart dust particles lurking in wait to be unleashed up the nostrils.

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I can understand a context for the expression "you will have nothing and you will be happy" related to the great reset, which is doing the rounds online. The fact is that I have disposed of so many of my possessions along this torturous road throughout my targeting, that I feel it would be better to have nothing. These sinister technologies permit the depraved delinquints to weaponize a target's each and every possession. If one doesn't own anything, nothing can then be weaponized. This all depends of course on how a target's body has been set up to accommodate the whole sinister operation. I know for a fact that my food, water, medication and clothing are targeted regularly to act as direct catalysts during the ongoing targeting. Other objects within my surroundings likewise become a part of the circuitry. Point of note is that weaponizing the objects referred to needs to be topped up in order to sustain the desired level of targeting. This is all from my own unfortunate experience and artificial intelligence is the crucial cog in this evil wheel of misfortune that carries out regular intrusions to effect the topping up referred to. So if one stops the intrusions, the targeting would eventually fizzle out at least in theory. Easier said than done! I have tried and tried and AI has always found some nook or cranny to enter, at least hitherto. Some targets may dispute that there are such intrusions in their homes, but the liklihood is they are just unaware of it. I have alarms and cameras inside and out but they weaponize these as well to their own ends. Indeed, I have just recently disconnected myself from my house alarm system! Well, just look at the photos! I have an intricate network of microwire and gadgetry from top to bottom of my body, which permits the demons to connect me to just about anything electronically. Is this really happening I ask myself frequently? Unfortunately it is and these technologies become even more sophisticated with time, so where is there cause for optimism?

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I've been a victim of this barbaric practice for the past 23 years so have an idea or two about the goings on. Firstly, targets appealing to government authorities are dealing with the wrong people as these are largely the perpetrators. Most will say I'm stating the obvious, but why then attempt to get assistance or justice by approaching these same authorities? I actually went through a period myself in the past when I foolishly sought help through what I assumed were the appropriate legal channels, only for it to cost me a lot of money to discover that all doors are closed. I should have done more research as there is enough material online from previous cases to know what the score is. The medical establishment plays ball so I was unable to obtain the necessary support from qualified personnel. Then in the unlikely event of one getting over that particular hurdle, the courts will automatically side with the perpetrators. In all probability, my case would have become a discretionary function exemption at a later stage. To name just one example, that was the judgement of the supreme court in the case Nevin V the Fed government. Albert Nevin had died as a result of a simulated biological warfare attack on San Francisco, but still there was no justice. Who says that nobody is above the law? Then what about the infamous statement made by evil undercover agent George White before he passed away. "It was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sancion and blessing of the all-highest". If these snippets hadn't convinced me to steer clear of the mainstream, I'm sure the information on sadistic government experiments provided by Jonathan Moreno in his book Undue Risk certainly would have – had I done the research! I didn't know the score, but by golly I do now. My other fruitless mission was in having just a few of the thousands of foreign bodies surgically removed from my person. Oh their removal was successful, but the perpetrators invariably took the opportunity to have many more implanted during the operations. Let that be a lesson to anyone who seeks a surgeon with such an objective in mind. You'll regret it believe me. Best to steer well clear unless you're a compulsive risk-taker. Or perhaps unless you are fortunate enough to have a family member with the necessary surgical skills, but even then it would need to be done unofficially, so that it doesn't show up on the "system".

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