Now things are not the way they use to be there he to just be voices in my head with some scares of knocks on my wall of long distance telekinesis it's like a beam of energy that can travel from one place to another is how it works broadcasted from one person to another from just about anyplace on earth energy itself is easy to see how travels far and wide just take a satellites for example they send and receive energy all the way from outer space so a human being is able harness an amount of energy that can travel clear over several state s and into your home into your he'd use that same energy to knock hard on walls hitting now after two years of this ore complicated elements have been added rhe ability to call upon furious rains they can also send energy into the sky and force to rain several people have died in a flood just recently due to telepathic assault done with terror clouds I need immediate help this is growing out of control imagine a place that s never quiet with loud noises bumping wall hard and loins noises that almost as loud as a gunshot and creepy weather terror with black clouds I was recently in a rainstorm it was the strangest thing one part sunny and other part cloudy I being smart started walking towards s the light and before you know it no matter how far into the light I got the cloud was dark and black and it chased me down I ran so fast but couldn't escape I'm lucky to be alive I returned home pouring wet
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