Dear all, I can not open http://peacepink. now, Can anyone do me a favour to publish the flowing to a blog of http://peacepink. ning.comDear all, I can not open http://peacepink. now, Can anyone do me a favour to publish the flowing to a blog of http://peacepink. ning.com23 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends(1) www.msnbc.msn. com/id/27162401(2) The National Academies of Science released an almost 300 page report that was produced following a two year study into the inconsistencies of CSIs and crime labs. There is no standardized accreditation process and the system is defective with innocent people have been sent to prison.http://search. cgi/skimchap. cgi?recid= 12589&chap=1-24http://www.nap. edu/catalog. php?record_ id=12589 http://www.national academies. org/http://www.ojp. bjs/pubalp2. htm http://www.cnn. com/2009/ CRIME/02/ 18/crime. lab.problems/http://www.ojp. nij/journals/ 259/csi-effect. htmOther MK-ULTRA links com/watch? v=iflBkRlpRy0&feature=channel_ pagehttp://www.wanttokn trayed10pg(3) Dear all, Please write letters to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case(1) For non victimsUNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADARE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259I, ____________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to.Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you.____________ _________ date________ __,2009(2) For victimsUNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADARE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259I,_________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, as I am also a victim of this ongoing torture. Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to.Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you.____________ _________ date________ __,2009Here is the version for t'i, this case is a criminal matter and civil you may use this case number to amend your criminal complaint under the Rico act victim in this case is asking all other victims to amend there criminal complaint in this court as well as support letter listed below, make sure when you file your complaint that you state on the top of your of your letter criminal complaint to be amended to case number above.(4) Please Write to the following:-rick bourcherWashington D.C.2187 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515202-225-3861202-225-0442( fax)E-MAIL TAMMYMADISON OFFICE10 East Doty Street, Suite 405Madison, Wisconsin 53703(608) 258-9800(608) 258-9808 FaxBELOIT OFFICE400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402Beloit, WI 53511(608) 362-2800(608) 362-2838 FaxWASHINGTON OFFICE2446 Rayburn BuildingWashington DC 20515(202) 225-2906(202) 225-6942 Fax(5) Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009.For those who have had their attempts at justice stymied by improper claims of ¡°state secrets,¡± this bill could prop open the courthouse doors once again and put us on the right path towards restoring justice.Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below.https://secure. site/Advocacy? cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1287&JServSessionIdr006= c5tk7l0mn1. app20a(6) Mara Wrote:Ramona Lopez is a ti, she left me a message in my answering machine, I sent this recording to Derrick Robinson from Freedomfrom covert harassment, I hope she got help, here's the link, please listen: com/watch? v=56csBsloMUQ(7) Another two websites which can contact Mr. Obamahttp://www.facebook .com and http://www.linkedin .comYou can sign up these two websites. and search Mr. Barack Obama, you will find his webpages. Leave an comment or write to him.A new website from Mr. Obama"My administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions.Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:"http://my.barackoba es(8)Sign the Petition "Have A Prosecution Commision, And We'll Get The Truth Too."http://www.peacetea pnum936.php(9) Contact Captain Robert WamsleyPlease write brief of your case summary of mind control abuse and torture to support Mr. Eric's complaint.Robert WamsleyAddah Moritz-Smith2009/2/23 Robert WamsleyDear Mr. Griffin,We will not be sending an officer to your residence to take a report on this matter. You are claiming that in your current location you are a victim and indeed in danger. I will not request an HPD officer meet with anyone in a climate where they themselves are claiming they are not safe. The email correspondence you insist upon has not been productive. Please feel free to respond to any of the Henderson Police facilities and file a report with the desk officer. In the future if you feel that you are in immediate danger feel free to contact 911. If you do feel that you are in imminent danger please bring any and all relevant evidence and suspect information you have reference your case and contact the desk officer at any of the following locations;223 Lead Street ¨C Main Police Station.Green Valley Parkway and Benji ¨C West Police Sub-stationSunset and Ward ¨C North Police Sub-stationAgain, Mr. Griffin, I want to point out that the allegations you make are not cases a local municipality works or has the equipment to work and just because Harry Reid and the FBI refer you to us does not mean that we can or have the means to purchase special equipment just to work your case. However if you feel you are in harms way and are a victim we are definitely concerned with the welfare of our citizens. Further more contacting the city, myself, or your congressman will not move your cause any faster so please feel free to follow my aforementioned instruction if you wish to pursue this matter for investigation.SincerelyFrom: Robert WamsleySubject: RE: when do you want your officer to come testTo: howrealareyou_ m@yahoo.comCc: "Addah Moritz-Smith"Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PMDear Mr. Griffin,Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter.SincerelyFrom: ERIC GRIFFIN [mailto:howrealarey ou_m@yahoo. com]Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PMTo: Robert WamsleyCc: jwilson@royaljonesl; Addah Moritz-Smith; contact@wexlerforco; klaus-dieter. thiel@ict. fraunhofer. de; otp.informationdesk @icc-cpi. int; information@ kucinich. us; ics@icsworld. com; naacplv@earthlink. net; naacplv@embarqmail. com; derrickrobinson@; info@barackobama. com; Anthony D. Romero ACLUSubject: when do you want your officer to come testDear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegel weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away.thank you very much sirMR. ERIC GRIFFINFrom: robert.wamsley@ cityofhenderson. comSubject: RE: your request to the City of HendersonTo: howrealareyou_ m@yahoo.comCc: addah.moritz- smith@cityofhend erson.comDate: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AMDear Mr, Griffin,Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided.They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department.Sincerely,Captain Robert WamsleyFrom: ERIC GRIFFINSubject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of HendersonTo: robert.wamsley@ cityofhenderson. comCc: jwilson@royaljonesl,, otp.informationdesk @icc-cpi. int, info@barackobama. comDate: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AMDear Sirs,I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve.Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter.Eric Griffin(10) Please Write to Steven G. ThorntonDistrict DirectorCongressman Gary G. Miller42nd District, California1800 East Lambert RoadSuite 150Brea, CA 92821(714) 257-1142(714) 257-9242 Fax gov/garymiller/FROM: WWW.ROB-PROFILE. COMAugust 16, 2007(RESUBMIT WITH CURRENT DATA FEBRUARY 2009)THE FORMAL LETTER SIGNED BY CONGRESSMAN GARY G. MILLER WAS RECEIVED TODAY.DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE EXPLICIT. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ON BEHALF OF ALL.I HAVE RECEIVED MANY MESSAGES BY MANY PROCEDURES THAT INDICATE THE DIRECTIVES ARE EXPLICIT AND SUCCESSFUL.IN ADDITION TO HOMELAND SECURITIES AND THE FBI, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THIS REPORT.ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY, OTHER VICTIMS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, I WILL AWAIT APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES AND PRAY THAT THEY ARE HONEST AND OPEN, REGARDLESS OF STANDARD PAST COVERT REACTIONS.QUOTE FROM Senator John C. Danforth: "It is important for all of us in Congress, the media and the public to acknowledge our own responsibilities for the lack of openness we lament in government. When public officials fear that the disclosure of their mistakes would lead to personal humiliation and professional ruin, it is understandable if they prefer concealment to candor."WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD AVOIDANCE OF THESE CONFIRMED ISSUES. OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON PROPER REPRESENTATION FROM THOSE WHOM WE TRUST AND PAY TAXES.I ASSURE CLOSURE AND PROPER PUBLICITY.AUGUST 14th, 2007:Mr. Butner,At your request I have initiated an inquiry into your concerns with regard to electronic surveillance. I have contacted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. It will take sometime to receive a reply back from these agencies. You should be receiving a letter in the mail stating that I have initiated an inquiryAll the best,SteveSteven G. ThorntonDistrict DirectorCongressman Gary G. Miller42nd District, California1800 East Lambert RoadSuite 150Brea, CA 92821(714) 257-1142(714) 257-9242 Fax gov/garymiller/PURPOSE: Respectfully, this is an authorization in compliance with the Privacy Act for assistance of Congressman Miller to obtain answer and/or assistance from the FBI and Homeland Securities into the situation concerning the case of Robert O. Butner Jr. as indicated with the UPDATED AUGUST, 2007 (RESUBMIT February 17, 2009) contents of report entitled:ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE, EXTREME ABUSE of TECHNOLOGY, SECURITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS.This report can be accessed on website www.rob-profile. com.The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Securities are requested to ANSWER DIRECTLY to Congressman Miller concerning the aspects of this case situation and status. Congressman Miller will intern ANSWER IN WRITING the details from the FBI and Homeland Securities to Robert O. Butner Jr.If the answer is composed of legal statutes such as ¡®secrecy in the interest of the people¡¯, the statutes are requested from the FBI and Homeland Securities and will be honored. At least this type professional acknowledgment, from people we pay taxes, will provide some piece and pursuit of happiness to the family of Robert Butner, on behalf of the people. Otherwise his attempted plea for assistance will continue with the web site report inclusive of extremely high statistics and publication.Personal interviews and detection tests are authorized.(IMPORTANT: Respectfully, this is a call for ASSISTANCE PER THE UPDATED REPORT rob-profile. com ¨C AUGUST, 2007 (February 17, 2009) (not prior). THE REFERENCED FBI CASE NUMBERS ARE OUTDATED AND DO NOT REFER TO THIS UPDATED REPORT. Mr. Butner has retired and had no previous time for the consuming editing and preparation of his report.Robert Butner has no criminal record prior to and after initiation of this situation and no history of mental incompetence or inventing reports.As referenced by Mr. Steve Thornton of Congressman Miller¡¯s office, he does understand the point that Mr. Butner is making on his web site report. However since the report is a full case history with substantial information, BULLET POINTING main concerns as follows as been requested:v Electronic surveillance capabilities, extreme abuse of technology, securities and human rights.v The evidence submitted speaks for itself; However, I wish to testify also, as a victim and eye-witness to the atrocities of these "secret" technologies.v Specifically, I am concerned about SATELLITE - MICROWAVE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ¡®TYPE¡¯, NEUROLOGICAL CAPABILITIES AND TO WHOSE HANDS THEY HAVE FALLEN INTO.v CERTAIN COVERT GROUPS that have access to this equipment ARE NOT SATISFIED with surveillance capabilities only.v In some cases, Targeted Individuals SUCH AS ME are SUBJECTED TO DIRECT FREQUENCIES THAT ARE SO EXPLICIT AND TORTUROUS THAT THEY ARE AUDIBLY AND VISUALLY APPARENT.v IN ADDITION, other symptoms are as follows:Audible sounds such as hissing, buzzing, clicking, ringing, "beyond normal", and very distinct frequency "changing sounds" (to the point of ear aches). Professionals will identify with this explanation, i.e. beyond normal ringing is associated with certain radio wave and clicking with microwave. Also, sounds such as standing near high power lines.Holography - Eyes open and closed.Sensations of heat and cold.Manipulation of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to tingle, or become numb.Frequent pain: abdominal, headaches, earaches and a stinging or straining of the eyes. These can linger for several hours or come and go in a minute's time.Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired instead of gaining rest." (THIS ONE IS MAJOR AND CREATES MANY OTHER OBVIOUS PROBLEMS).Very vivid dreams and nightmares (very distinct from your own).Memory and concentration are severely affected.Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy, peace, exhilaration, etc. "Infuriation is experienced and obviously expected."I KNOW HOW MY PERPETRATORS USE THIS EQUIPMENT VERY EMPHATICALLY. IMAGINE HOW AN Al-Qaeda NETWORK COULD USE THIS TECHNOLOGY ALSO!WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION AND HELP? WHAT CHANCES DO WE WISH TO TAKE?Sincerely,Robert O. Butner Jr.August 8th, 2007REISSUE February 17, 2009(11) Letter from HARRY REID,United States Senator,NevadaFrom:Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:08 PMSubject: Correspondence from Senator ReidTo: howrealareyou@ gmail.comFebruary 23, 2009Mr. Eric GriffinHenderson, Nevada 89014-3899Dear Mr. Griffin:Thank you for contacting me. It is good to hear from you, although I regret to learn of the difficulty you have experienced.During my time in Washington, I have remained committed to making Nevada a better, safer place to live, and you can be assured that I am sensitive to your concerns.In the meantime, if you believe that a crime has been committed under the Nevada Revised Statute's prohibitions against harassment, please contact your local police department.Henderson Police Department223 Lead St.Henderson, NV 89015(702) 267-5050Emergency: 911Also, if you have not already done so, you may wish to consult the advice of a lawyer about whether you have some other remedy available to you. Clark County Legal Services provides legal assistance free of charge and can be reached at:Clark County Legal Services800 South Eighth StreetLas Vegas, Nevada 89101(702) 386-1070http://clarkcountyl egal.comAdditionally, the Nevada Bar can refer you to a licensed Nevada attorney who has expertise in the area in which you need help. You can reach them at (702) 382-0504 or through their website at http://www.nvbar. org/lris/ lris.htm.Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will not hesitate to contact me if you feel I can be of further assistance to you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.My best wishes to you.Sincerely,HARRY REIDUnited States SenatorNevadaHR:cs__._,_.___Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topicMessages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | CalendarONE DAY AT A TIME , WE WILL WIN.MARKETPLACEFrom kitchen basics to easy recipes - join the Group from Kraft FoodsYahoo! GroupsChange settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required)Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to TraditionalVisit Your Group | Yahoo! Groups Terms of Use | UnsubscribeRecent Activity*3New MembersVisit Your GroupDrive TrafficSponsored Searchcan help increaseyour site traffic.New web site?Drive traffic now.Get your businesson Yahoo! search.Yahoo! GroupsEveryday Wellness ZoneCheck out featuredhealthy living groups..__,_._,___(1) www.msnbc.msn. com/id/27162401(2) The National Academies of Science released an almost 300 page report that was produced following a two year study into the inconsistencies of CSIs and crime labs. There is no standardized accreditation process and the system is defective with innocent people have been sent to prison.http://search. cgi/skimchap. cgi?recid= 12589&chap=1-24http://www.nap. edu/catalog. php?record_ id=12589 http://www.national academies. org/http://www.ojp. bjs/pubalp2. htm http://www.cnn. com/2009/ CRIME/02/ 18/crime. lab.problems/http://www.ojp. nij/journals/ 259/csi-effect. htmOther MK-ULTRA links com/watch? v=iflBkRlpRy0&feature=channel_ pagehttp://www.wanttokn trayed10pg(3) Dear all, Please write letters to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case(1) For non victimsUNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADARE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259I, ____________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to.Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you.____________ _________ date________ __,2009(2) For victimsUNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADARE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259I,_________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, as I am also a victim of this ongoing torture. Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to.Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you.____________ _________ date________ __,2009Here is the version for t'i, this case is a criminal matter and civil you may use this case number to amend your criminal complaint under the Rico act victim in this case is asking all other victims to amend there criminal complaint in this court as well as support letter listed below, make sure when you file your complaint that you state on the top of your of your letter criminal complaint to be amended to case number above.(4) Please Write to the following:-rick bourcherWashington D.C.2187 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, D.C. 20515202-225-3861202-225-0442( fax)E-MAIL TAMMYMADISON OFFICE10 East Doty Street, Suite 405Madison, Wisconsin 53703(608) 258-9800(608) 258-9808 FaxBELOIT OFFICE400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402Beloit, WI 53511(608) 362-2800(608) 362-2838 FaxWASHINGTON OFFICE2446 Rayburn BuildingWashington DC 20515(202) 225-2906(202) 225-6942 Fax(5) Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009.For those who have had their attempts at justice stymied by improper claims of ¡°state secrets,¡± this bill could prop open the courthouse doors once again and put us on the right path towards restoring justice.Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below.https://secure. site/Advocacy? cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1287&JServSessionIdr006= c5tk7l0mn1. app20a(6) Mara Wrote:Ramona Lopez is a ti, she left me a message in my answering machine, I sent this recording to Derrick Robinson from Freedomfrom covert harassment, I hope she got help, here's the link, please listen: com/watch? v=56csBsloMUQ(7) Another two websites which can contact Mr. Obamahttp://www.facebook .com and http://www.linkedin .comYou can sign up these two websites. and search Mr. Barack Obama, you will find his webpages. Leave an comment or write to him.A new website from Mr. Obama"My administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions.Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:"http://my.barackoba es(8)Sign the Petition "Have A Prosecution Commision, And We'll Get The Truth Too."http://www.peacetea pnum936.php(9) Contact Captain Robert WamsleyPlease write brief of your case summary of mind control abuse and torture to support Mr. Eric's complaint.Robert WamsleyAddah Moritz-Smith2009/2/23 Robert WamsleyDear Mr. Griffin,We will not be sending an officer to your residence to take a report on this matter. You are claiming that in your current location you are a victim and indeed in danger. I will not request an HPD officer meet with anyone in a climate where they themselves are claiming they are not safe. The email correspondence you insist upon has not been productive. Please feel free to respond to any of the Henderson Police facilities and file a report with the desk officer. In the future if you feel that you are in immediate danger feel free to contact 911. If you do feel that you are in imminent danger please bring any and all relevant evidence and suspect information you have reference your case and contact the desk officer at any of the following locations;223 Lead Street ¨C Main Police Station.Green Valley Parkway and Benji ¨C West Police Sub-stationSunset and Ward ¨C North Police Sub-stationAgain, Mr. Griffin, I want to point out that the allegations you make are not cases a local municipality works or has the equipment to work and just because Harry Reid and the FBI refer you to us does not mean that we can or have the means to purchase special equipment just to work your case. However if you feel you are in harms way and are a victim we are definitely concerned with the welfare of our citizens. Further more contacting the city, myself, or your congressman will not move your cause any faster so please feel free to follow my aforementioned instruction if you wish to pursue this matter for investigation.SincerelyFrom: Robert WamsleySubject: RE: when do you want your officer to come testTo: howrealareyou_ m@yahoo.comCc: "Addah Moritz-Smith"Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PMDear Mr. Griffin,Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter.SincerelyFrom: ERIC GRIFFIN [mailto:howrealarey ou_m@yahoo. com]Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PMTo: Robert WamsleyCc: jwilson@royaljonesl; Addah Moritz-Smith; contact@wexlerforco; klaus-dieter. thiel@ict. fraunhofer. de; otp.informationdesk @icc-cpi. int; information@ kucinich. us; ics@icsworld. com; naacplv@earthlink. net; naacplv@embarqmail. com; derrickrobinson@; info@barackobama. com; Anthony D. Romero ACLUSubject: when do you want your officer to come testDear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegel weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away.thank you very much sirMR. ERIC GRIFFINFrom: robert.wamsley@ cityofhenderson. comSubject: RE: your request to the City of HendersonTo: howrealareyou_ m@yahoo.comCc: addah.moritz- smith@cityofhend erson.comDate: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AMDear Mr, Griffin,Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided.They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department.Sincerely,Captain Robert WamsleyFrom: ERIC GRIFFINSubject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of HendersonTo: robert.wamsley@ cityofhenderson. comCc: jwilson@royaljonesl,, otp.informationdesk @icc-cpi. int, info@barackobama. comDate: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AMDear Sirs,I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve.Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter.Eric Griffin(10) Please Write to Steven G. ThorntonDistrict DirectorCongressman Gary G. Miller42nd District, California1800 East Lambert RoadSuite 150Brea, CA 92821(714) 257-1142(714) 257-9242 Fax gov/garymiller/FROM: WWW.ROB-PROFILE. COMAugust 16, 2007(RESUBMIT WITH CURRENT DATA FEBRUARY 2009)THE FORMAL LETTER SIGNED BY CONGRESSMAN GARY G. MILLER WAS RECEIVED TODAY.DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE EXPLICIT. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ON BEHALF OF ALL.I HAVE RECEIVED MANY MESSAGES BY MANY PROCEDURES THAT INDICATE THE DIRECTIVES ARE EXPLICIT AND SUCCESSFUL.IN ADDITION TO HOMELAND SECURITIES AND THE FBI, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THIS REPORT.ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY, OTHER VICTIMS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, I WILL AWAIT APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES AND PRAY THAT THEY ARE HONEST AND OPEN, REGARDLESS OF STANDARD PAST COVERT REACTIONS.QUOTE FROM Senator John C. Danforth: "It is important for all of us in Congress, the media and the public to acknowledge our own responsibilities for the lack of openness we lament in government. When public officials fear that the disclosure of their mistakes would lead to personal humiliation and professional ruin, it is understandable if they prefer concealment to candor."WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD AVOIDANCE OF THESE CONFIRMED ISSUES. OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON PROPER REPRESENTATION FROM THOSE WHOM WE TRUST AND PAY TAXES.I ASSURE CLOSURE AND PROPER PUBLICITY.AUGUST 14th, 2007:Mr. Butner,At your request I have initiated an inquiry into your concerns with regard to electronic surveillance. I have contacted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. It will take sometime to receive a reply back from these agencies. You should be receiving a letter in the mail stating that I have initiated an inquiryAll the best,SteveSteven G. ThorntonDistrict DirectorCongressman Gary G. Miller42nd District, California1800 East Lambert RoadSuite 150Brea, CA 92821(714) 257-1142(714) 257-9242 Fax gov/garymiller/PURPOSE: Respectfully, this is an authorization in compliance with the Privacy Act for assistance of Congressman Miller to obtain answer and/or assistance from the FBI and Homeland Securities into the situation concerning the case of Robert O. Butner Jr. as indicated with the UPDATED AUGUST, 2007 (RESUBMIT February 17, 2009) contents of report entitled:ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE, EXTREME ABUSE of TECHNOLOGY, SECURITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS.This report can be accessed on website www.rob-profile. com.The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Securities are requested to ANSWER DIRECTLY to Congressman Miller concerning the aspects of this case situation and status. Congressman Miller will intern ANSWER IN WRITING the details from the FBI and Homeland Securities to Robert O. Butner Jr.If the answer is composed of legal statutes such as ¡®secrecy in the interest of the people¡¯, the statutes are requested from the FBI and Homeland Securities and will be honored. At least this type professional acknowledgment, from people we pay taxes, will provide some piece and pursuit of happiness to the family of Robert Butner, on behalf of the people. Otherwise his attempted plea for assistance will continue with the web site report inclusive of extremely high statistics and publication.Personal interviews and detection tests are authorized.(IMPORTANT: Respectfully, this is a call for ASSISTANCE PER THE UPDATED REPORT rob-profile. com ¨C AUGUST, 2007 (February 17, 2009) (not prior). THE REFERENCED FBI CASE NUMBERS ARE OUTDATED AND DO NOT REFER TO THIS UPDATED REPORT. Mr. Butner has retired and had no previous time for the consuming editing and preparation of his report.Robert Butner has no criminal record prior to and after initiation of this situation and no history of mental incompetence or inventing reports.As referenced by Mr. Steve Thornton of Congressman Miller¡¯s office, he does understand the point that Mr. Butner is making on his web site report. However since the report is a full case history with substantial information, BULLET POINTING main concerns as follows as been requested:v Electronic surveillance capabilities, extreme abuse of technology, securities and human rights.v The evidence submitted speaks for itself; However, I wish to testify also, as a victim and eye-witness to the atrocities of these "secret" technologies.v Specifically, I am concerned about SATELLITE - MICROWAVE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ¡®TYPE¡¯, NEUROLOGICAL CAPABILITIES AND TO WHOSE HANDS THEY HAVE FALLEN INTO.v CERTAIN COVERT GROUPS that have access to this equipment ARE NOT SATISFIED with surveillance capabilities only.v In some cases, Targeted Individuals SUCH AS ME are SUBJECTED TO DIRECT FREQUENCIES THAT ARE SO EXPLICIT AND TORTUROUS THAT THEY ARE AUDIBLY AND VISUALLY APPARENT.v IN ADDITION, other symptoms are as follows:Audible sounds such as hissing, buzzing, clicking, ringing, "beyond normal", and very distinct frequency "changing sounds" (to the point of ear aches). Professionals will identify with this explanation, i.e. beyond normal ringing is associated with certain radio wave and clicking with microwave. Also, sounds such as standing near high power lines.Holography - Eyes open and closed.Sensations of heat and cold.Manipulation of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to tingle, or become numb.Frequent pain: abdominal, headaches, earaches and a stinging or straining of the eyes. These can linger for several hours or come and go in a minute's time.Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired instead of gaining rest." (THIS ONE IS MAJOR AND CREATES MANY OTHER OBVIOUS PROBLEMS).Very vivid dreams and nightmares (very distinct from your own).Memory and concentration are severely affected.Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy, peace, exhilaration, etc. "Infuriation is experienced and obviously expected."I KNOW HOW MY PERPETRATORS USE THIS EQUIPMENT VERY EMPHATICALLY. IMAGINE HOW AN Al-Qaeda NETWORK COULD USE THIS TECHNOLOGY ALSO!WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION AND HELP? WHAT CHANCES DO WE WISH TO TAKE?Sincerely,Robert O. Butner Jr.August 8th, 2007REISSUE February 17, 2009(11) Letter from HARRY REID,United States Senator,NevadaFrom:Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:08 PMSubject: Correspondence from Senator ReidTo: howrealareyou@ gmail.comFebruary 23, 2009Mr. Eric GriffinHenderson, Nevada 89014-3899Dear Mr. Griffin:Thank you for contacting me. It is good to hear from you, although I regret to learn of the difficulty you have experienced.During my time in Washington, I have remained committed to making Nevada a better, safer place to live, and you can be assured that I am sensitive to your concerns.In the meantime, if you believe that a crime has been committed under the Nevada Revised Statute's prohibitions against harassment, please contact your local police department.Henderson Police Department223 Lead St.Henderson, NV 89015(702) 267-5050Emergency: 911Also, if you have not already done so, you may wish to consult the advice of a lawyer about whether you have some other remedy available to you. Clark County Legal Services provides legal assistance free of charge and can be reached at:Clark County Legal Services800 South Eighth StreetLas Vegas, Nevada 89101(702) 386-1070http://clarkcountyl egal.comAdditionally, the Nevada Bar can refer you to a licensed Nevada attorney who has expertise in the area in which you need help. You can reach them at (702) 382-0504 or through their website at http://www.nvbar. org/lris/ lris.htm.Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will not hesitate to contact me if you feel I can be of further assistance to you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.My best wishes to you.Sincerely,HARRY REIDUnited States SenatorNevadaHR:cs__._,_.___Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topicMessages | Files | Photos | Links | Database | Polls | Members | CalendarONE DAY AT A TIME , WE WILL WIN.MARKETPLACEFrom kitchen basics to easy recipes - join the Group from Kraft FoodsYahoo! GroupsChange settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required)Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to TraditionalVisit Your Group | Yahoo! 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