Aahus Denmark
Being a friend of USA and reporting illegal activities, crimes, fraud and corruption I became a victim of the Collective Madness of the Big Brother Syndrome, twice in my life.
By protesting against human rights violations in Romania, I have been beaten and tortured in my home, for resisting arrest. I escaped in a bloody pajama, full of blood and with 6 fractures, into the US Embassy in Bucharest Romania, in April 13, 1977. At that time the US Consul helped me, by personally protesting to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, exposing a real case of Human Rights violation, and stooped the assassins. Arrested by the Secret Political Security forces at that time meant, torture and sure death, to cover up for the butcheries and live no witnesses, no body. I joined my parents living already in US as a political refugee. I lived, work and enjoyed the freedom in many West European countries, became a Danish citizen, returned to US in 1988, worked hard, partial enjoyed the American dream, until the dream became slowly, but surely a nightmare again, like under communists.
In 2004, by accident I fund out from a doctor, that I am dying and have months to live, because of my insurance company, Kaiser Permanente's secret policy to delay and deny care, to aggravate the patients health condition, and cash into the illegal and repeated use of its members/victims as guinea pigs. Illegal medical trial, illegal experimentation, training of thousands of students on unaware patients under anesthesia, massive fraud, selling illegally obtained results, to its beneficiary: the Big Pharma, CDC, FDA and other known and unknown labs and agencies, is the only source of the accumulated welt, and over 20 Billion dollars a years profits.
By exposing one of the US biggest scheme on several educational videos, I made history to repeat it self. By trying to expose horrible crimes, and real gangsters dressed in doctor uniform, I believed that I will help the law enforcement to stop the daily butcheries, in Kaiser Permanente's operation rooms, and I was terrible wrong, because the new Big Brother was part of the scheme, big time. I call Big Brother the non elected government employee, that accumulate so much power and arrogance, to create a state in a state, have a personal agenda, totally disregard the US Constitution and eliminate/assassinate everybody that stays in their way, anybody that knows to much, including the whistle blowers.
Please Google 'The Marin Pitu Story: 1,2 3 , 'The Lonnie Shrum Story' part 1,2,3; .Nixon HMO., Kaiser Permanente Birth Certificate. Part 1 and 2, Jupirena Stein story and understand how I became targeted by the federal agencies fighting the .War on Terror: the FBI, CIA and NSA, that clearly proves to work for the Corporate America and not for the interest of the American people, who lost not only the freedom of expression, but the right to exist. They went way to far, under the pretext of fighting the war in terror, they are fighting simple, honest, friendly people like my self. I am in possession of hundreds of pages of incriminatory evidences that expose 6 corporations, tens of doctors and professors, 2 Universities, managers, directors, all beneficiary of an illegal industry that use and abuse for years, millions of deceived patients under anesthesia, resulting in all kind of atrocities, including premeditated murder, all documented. This case is so big and I am so small, but capable to put many criminals in jail in any country where justice is for all. Unfortunately I was and I am still unable to have my case/our case, the victims, investigated. Our enemies are many, are the most powerful and have at their disposition cutting age technology and weapons to monitor our activity 24/7, at the expense of tax payers, exposing gross violations of human rights and liberties, exposing abuse of power, exposing FBI and NSA, also fighting a war against friends, against uncomfortable witnesses. With that I expose all the agencies fighting the war on terror, by terror and all means of assassination. They are employed by the government of United States, they are using and abusing tax payers money, to make enemies all over the world! This is the most detrimental activity financed by the US Government: to build schools for children, while killing their father! That means, generation after generation of man-made enemies, a never ending hate, fight and destruction, for many generations to come, the expansion of the Middle East environment, on the American continent.
I have personally being victim of repeated assassination attempts, three documented attempts on the surgery table under anesthesia, crimes confirmed by my medical records, fortunately I can say, because they always claims, accuse or fabricate medical documents, claiming, that the patient is, crazy. Fortunately, my medical records expose and proves to poses evidences against the conspirators the risk of being assassinated, a death wish, the perpetrators are still very active to achieve. I mailed, emailed and personalty delivered multiple files containing over 200 pages of evidences, all disappeared, impossible to get justice when the `Big Brother` is part of the scheme. My case is better known by several foreign countries, including Denmark (I an a Danish citizen), that in US, where Justice is not for all. In the contrary, beside the TOTAL surveillance, harassment, induced cancer under anesthesia and many other attempts to fake a natural cause death, the perpetrators added my name on NSA,'s Black List, of enemies to be assassinated by Directed-Energy Weapons,. Plenty of on-line evidences about the use of war technology to torture and assassinate, uncomfortable witnesses. I consider my self an whistler blower, under attack by the powerful perpetrators.
Being in immediate threat of loosing my life, I had to live USA in May 11, 2013, after I visited twice the Danish Embassy, US Justice Department and few embassies. I am for the second time of my life a political refugee. I am under medical investigations, that already fund unseen before, damage to my liver and other organs, by o poison introduced in my body under anesthesia, on November 15, 2013, at the University of Irvine, California, when the white material of dental fillings, have been replaced with a black metallic material, that was slowly dissolving and poisoning my liver. Of cause, the maniacs never miss an opportunity to illegally implant microchips in their victims body, and they did it on me, too. That's real madness and the beginning of a new Holocaust, caused by the same kind of subhumans.
'All man-made big disasters started with a mad man's obsession with money and power and his ability to corrupt others'.
Please help me by asking the US Justice Department to investigate my case. Being a legal US resident for 25 years, but a Danish citizen, I was forced to abandon everything and return to Denmark. I also ask for a copy of my criminal records and all records that justifies, to be targeted by the The Government of US, as an enemy/terrorist. Am I a terrorist, because the torture continues and intensified while in Denmark, by permanent microwave attacks, causing severe head aches, my brain is boiling, skin burnings on the shoulder and head, severe stomach cramps, breathing difficulties and increasing painful attacks to damage my hearth.
Marin Pitu