Ralf Goldbach's Posts (10)

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an image of a German page that no longer exists ... note to motive, but that some kind of ARG (Alternate Reality Game) is where sadistic perverse to conclude betting man ... unfortunately only in German

ein Abbild von einer deutschen Seite, die leider nicht mehr besteht...man beachte unter Motiv, daß es doch eine Art ARG (Alternative Reality Game) gibt, wo sadistisch veranlagte perverse menschen, wetten abschliessen...leider nur in deutsch



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RF-Scanning in munich

wir bilden eine fahrgemeinschaft nach münchen zum rf-scanning...es sind noch 2 plätze frei, dann sind wir 9 und wenn es mehr werden müssen wir schauen wegen der logistik...aber das organisiere ich dann

We are a community moving to munich for rf-scanning ... there are two places still available, then we are 9 and if there is more we need to look for the logistics ... but then I organize
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Building Peace and Security Partnerships

The Geneva Forum is a joint initiative of the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva (QUNO), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), and the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

Our overarching objective is to contribute to international peace and security by building partnerships among and between governments, international organisations and NGOs on disarmament and arms control issues of common concern. The work of the Geneva Forum comprises three main tracks:

1. Building agendas around new and emerging issues in arms control and disarmament.
2. Supporting ongoing arms control and disarmament negotiations.
3. Promoting the implementation of arms control and disarmament agreements.

In carrying out this work, the Geneva Forum interacts closely with government missions to the United Nations, international organisations, NGOs and the media, and actively engages Geneva's important, humanitarian, development and human rights communities in its disarmament work.



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