I'm really aggressive by nature, so it is counter-intuitive to my mind not to beat down a few street punks when that is not the desired action. So, I hide my anger so I don't screw up. But, I don't know how much longer I can hold it.
The perps were getting too close to me one day. So I thought to keep them at by by wearing a rosary. I put it on under my shirt so It couldn't be seen. When I went out the next day they were visibly disturbed by it(they couldn't even see it) and the
Why? so people can see how far and wide this is spread and to locate "hot zones" for this kind of activity so people will avoid it. Many of these incidents go unreported I added mine so everybody will know what kind of bad shit is happing.
Long story short, I ticked off a freemason by showing the world what an a a-hole he really is and what unspeakable acts of cruelty and violence they commit. Now every one of his "brothers" are out in force harassing me everywhere I go. The only time