I feel I must tell you this. As I have been experiencing unbalance. I have kept falling, and needed stitches last month. Well, I was wondering if the torture I experienced could have damaged my right vestibularnerve. I found out (my vertigo) it is caused by nerve damage in the vestibular area of the inner ear.I asked the Doctor what would have caused this damage. As I didn't want to endulge into to much informationto him. He did say "Were you abused as a child." I said, yes. But, this is all I said to him. I keep hearingringing, sometimes it gets so loud, I have to turn on the television to rid me of the sound. Also, since I amexperiencing balance problems, (I have been falling down way to much). The Microwave I have is small.Yet, It can not be used by me, because of the headaches I get. The Doctor did say, "Well, you could be experiencing Vestibular Migrain headaches.Do any of you experience this kind of problems? I just know that while testing? They put me in a tubularshaped area, in which I was seated on a chair, that moved in different directions, and was dark, then, theyshowed a red light. I was suppose to follow the red light. I got so dizzy, I felt a migrain coming on.They then, placed hot water inside of my ear. All the while I had to raise my head off the table and makemy neck muscles stretch. All I do know, is I have to go back for 2 more tests. One is when I am asleep.I don't see myself sleeping!! The other, is something I don't understand.Anyways, I do know that I felt as if I was being tortured all over again!!! I do have to go back, and I amtrying to tell myself, it is only a test.Thanks for listening, and if anyone has anything to say? Please, tell me.Cindy
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