's Discussions (4870)

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the mentality of abuse

in dealing with the voices i hear, i came to the realization its all pre-programmed responses based on my own reactions to it.  The scientists who developed this abuse system added all kinds of story-lines that could stem from a triggered abuse event

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Lets setup a meeting

Well I've posted a bit here the past few weeks.

If you guys are interested in meeting other people from here, lets setup something. I can drive around 1200kms from my location which would put it as far as Toronto from where I am in NB Canada. If you

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Thanks to Ed Snowden

Though he is someone i've never met; hats off to him for announcing to the world the level of corruption here in the states. I came across this website today.It's called BiggerThanSnowden dot com. I'm sorry, I don't know how to paste the link correct

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Just wondering if all of you face the same problem with constant threats to your income.  I work in a country where there is no dole, so we HAVE to make money to survive . On practically a daily and nightly basis, I am CONSTANTLY faced with threats b

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