American technicals who studied Electromagnetic Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies are the only evils, only murders on this planet. It is forever the truth even after the deaths of those American technicals, as other evils in human h
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The perps are editing my posts to mung URLs. If the link below doesn't work, you can find it at
Reposted due to Deca p
Does anyone have a small blue tatoo like dot on their upper forhead at hairline? U may not see until you really look,if so, any clue what it is for?
Read more…I'm currently residing here in michigan where they have anti electronic warfare laws put up since 2001-2004 (how so?!) and so far my harrasment, gangstalking and zapping/horrible electronic torture has been gone.. I moved all the way from virginia
Read more…(Truthstream Media) It’s hard to even guesstimate the number of people, no
Read more…'EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation'
The effect of GSM-like ELF radiation on the alpha band of the human r
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I have had to change this post several times because the perps are munging the URL to the video. They also keep editing the Discussion Title.
If the link doesn't work, type in "TARGETED INDIVIDUALS 2013 100% GUARANTEED ELECTRONIC HARAS
Does anyone have any ideas how to amplify voice to skull technologies
Read more…I search movies about mind control, especially the technology, also episodes from TV series.
I search the movie where a woman sits in a metal chair with a red laser beam on her forehead that allows her to see what a man sees who is running on the stre